Outdoor sports, hiking, camping, fishing, 4WD Vehicles, Cooking/baking, occasional acts of debauchery, quality time with quality people, good music, good beer, cheap domestic beer, Marlboro Reds even though cigarettes are dirty and completely inconducive to a healthy lifestyle, God and the strength He gives me.
People that don't suck.
Whoever invented the concept of "hurry up and wait"
...so I can promptly beat the shit out of him.
I listen to a little bit of everything...Tech N9ne to James Taylor and everywhere in between. .. width="425" height="350" ..
Love WWII movies and comedies.
CNN news... Yeah I'm cool. And informed.
Not so much.
My father because he is the fuckin MAN.My grandfather for the same reason.Anyone else that stands up for themselves and doesn't take shit from anyone.