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About Me

Chris and Beechie have been playing together since January 2008, after playing in several bands during his school years, Chris was struggling to find other band members who shared both his musical tastes and commitment to follow their dreams. After leaving school and deciding to travel for several months, he was finding it hard without being able to play any instruments, so started attending various open-mic nights around the countries he was travelling in and finding guitarists who were willing to play for him. On his return to England and struggling to piece a band together he decided to take matters into his own hands, so after borrowing a guitar off a friend and a couple of quick internet lessons started to play on his own, after only a month of playing guitar he wrote his first song entitled ‘the weekend’ and since then has never looked back.Beechie started his move into the world of music in a very different way, spurred on by his mothers musical talent he started playing piano at the tender age of 5, and over the years as he developed his own taste for music, naturally progressed to playing guitar amongst other instruments, now both an accomplished musician and music teacher, plays at every available opportunity.Their paths crossed early in the year at bojollys open mic night in rugeley staffs, where having played several solo sets decided to do a couple of numbers together, as the weeks went by the set list grew until they had enough songs to start playing together every week, along with the occasional function. Over time the pairs relationship grew and a trust and passion for music was shared so when the time came for Chris to find a lead guitarist to add some flair to his growing collection of original songs Beechie was the obvious and natural choice.

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Member Since: 23/06/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Chris Cornes- Vocals, Guitar Tom Beech- Guitar, Piano, Vocals
Influences: late nights, drunken days, the taste of tears , bad dreams, mind expanding substances and unrequited love
Sounds Like: The heartbeat of the person your in love with
Record Label: Unsigned

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