playing guitar,
triying to heel click,
killing people for money
your mom in twenty minutes UH!and
bad brains harry and the potters led zeppelin.. black sabbath. the ramones. eagles of death metal. ozzy. butthole surfers. queen. fugazi. X. death . The stooges. dead kennedys. The cars. doors. van halen. RUN DMC. beastie boys . aerosmith. brand new. Death Cab FOr cutie. converge. joe walsh. rage against the machine. steve miller band. kelly Clarckson. sugar hill gang. black flag. minutemen. sonic youth. minor threat. red hot chillie peppers. the clash. gang green 7 seconds andrew bird redd kross unsane queens of the stone age the damned meat puppets valient thorr public enemy audioslave . gang of four grinderman dinosaur jr white stripes MEWITHOUTYOU death
George of the Jungle hot rod Nacho Libre Sleepy Hollow nightmare before christmas ed wood Edward Scissorhands BIG FISH stranger than fiction clerks 1 and 2 Chasing amy mallrats
The office my name is earl peewee's playhous
harry potter; Steven king; and a lot of other stuff too!
I believe that as soon as people want
peace in the world they can have it.
The only trouble is they are not aware
they can get it.John Lennon, 1969