I don't have a lot of time for hobbies. I love spending time with my kids. So most of the time I'm with them. I like going out to bars to play pool, and sing karaoke. When I get the time I like to go fishing and camping. I love to sit by the campfire with people I care about or even just that special someone in my life.
People that want to be friends.
I'm really opend-minded when it comes to music. I play whatever I'm in the mood for. Most of the time that is COUNTRY. I'm just a good ol' redneck girl.
Okay the best movie in the world is THE CROW. got it. love it. watch it. But Once again I'm open-minded. I just don't like to watch a movie by myself. "People once believe that when someone died, a crow brought that soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it, and the soul can't rest. Sometimes, just sometimes, a crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right." "If a building gets torched, all that is left is ashes. I used to think that about everything: family, friends, feelings. But now I know. If two people love each other, nothing can keep them apart."
I like to watch Charmed the most. When thats not on I'm watching C.S.I., N.C.I.S., Crimanal intent, Numbers, and any of the law in orders. I also spent most of my time witching cartoons.
I like any book from Dean Koontz. I Think Seize The Night was the best so far.
All the Military Men and Women.