David profile picture


I dunno... Am I?

About Me

I'm 20 years old, a guitar player, and secretly somewhat of a computer geek (aren't we all?) I'm always up for a night of just chillin on the beach or at a friend's house--I don't need to be entertained. So basically I am who I am... I don't put on an act. And that's all that I can think of to write right now,, so check back soon.

My Interests

Guitar, snowboarding, scuba diving, and ladies....

I'd like to meet:

I would say a nice girl, but I already found one.


Alternative, Rock, Punk/Emo, a little Hip Hop/Rap, and definitely acoustic stuff.


The Matrix Trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Fight Club

My Blog

First Post

Well I think I have most of this site up and running. I'll post from time to time about crap that's happening in my life. So... I'll see you soon!
Posted by David on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST