My interest is the creation of beauty.
Among dogs, I am a wolf.
And a wolf does not bark-
He howls at the moon,
And bites.
As a wolf, I despise sheep-herding dogs;
Dogs are an obstruction,
And sheep merely a meal.
How the little sheep shudders,
And baaaa's at my howl!
She knows the call is not for her-
What interest could a wolf have in a sheep,
Other than blood, and flesh?
How could a cud-chewing ewe
Ever compare to my lupine love,
Who wanders, lean and hungry,
Somewhere in the night?
For, little sheep, were I coming for you
It would be as a ghost among night's shadows:
Wearing wool, and baaaa'ing just the right words
To make a little ewe lie down,
And bare her throat to my fangs.
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