Hmmm...let's see! I don't have much time for interests. I have a passion to share my heart with teenagers, so I guess my passions are my interests.
I would love to meet Esther from the Bible. She was just a normal girl who found favor with everyone she met. The king chose her to be his queen and because of her royal position she got to save an entire race of people. "And who knows but that you have come to royal position FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS?" I like to think that I am where I am everyday for for such a time as this. I may never save an entire race of people, but I can be the Joy God made me to be!
I think I have turned in to a country girl.
Any chick flicks! And I like war movies...that sounds so weird...chick flicks and war movies! But add them together, a war movie with a love story...there's a winner!
Lost...I am very addicted.
Redeeming Love, Captivating, When God Writes Your Love Story...changed my life!
My mom and dad because they show me what a ministry is supposed to be!