I'm a Ravenclaw!
You give your love and friendship unconditionally. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.
Find out your color at QuizMeme.com!
What's Your Beauty Aura? My Result: Classic You stick to the tried-and-true approach to life and the same goes for making yourself look lovely. You take care of yourself as much as time allows, and long for more opportunities to do something nice for yourself. Most of the time you stick to flattering-but-not-dazzling colors and sensible shoes — you're not a slave to fashion, but it's not a crime to be fashionable. What you may lack in pizzazz you more than make up for in kindness to those around you. In fact, your straightforward, no-frills beauty allows your caring personality to shine through.
Naturally, you want to look healthy and young, but you're not about to waste your valuable time or money on passing fads. While you enjoy being pampered with a facial or pedicure now and then, you tend to look down upon such things as wasteful. The thing is, you really could give yourself permission to indulge a little more often. Take the plunge on a new, bright lipstick or day trip to the spa. You tend to sacrifice a lot for others, but don't forget to take care of yourself! What are you?
How Can You Change the World? My Result: Animal Rights With a large number of animals facing extinction and many other problems in today's rapidly changing world, they need our help more than ever. A sweet and kindhearted soul like you sounds just right for the job.
Compassionate and thoughtful, you've got a big heart and are willing to go the distance to help those you love no matter what species they're from. Whether you're taking in stray animals, helping mend broken hearts, or feeding an army, you're always thinking of others and how you can lend a hand. The animal kingdom — and world — is lucky to have such a generous soul like you around! What are you?
http://web.tickle.com/jumpto?test=changetheworldogt&c=50 652
Which Harry Potter Character Are You? My Result: Ginny Weasley You rarely need Polyjuice potion because you're usually happy just being you! While you might not make the biggest splash or cause drama, you slowly and steadily win over lots of people who think you're pretty darn wonderful. While you can be a little shy and self-conscious at times (especially around a crush), you're probably considered to be a BFF by more than just one person.
Luckily, your talents aren't just the magic kind. You're also kind and smart and just great to be around. Looks like you'll have a very charmed life indeed! What are you?
http://web.tickle.com/jumpto?test=harrycharacterogt&c=50 652
What's Your Goddess Identity? My Result: Angel Just like the haloed and winged guardians of good, you truly have a heart of gold, sweet Angel. Whenever there's a chance to pitch in, save the day or just make life easier for the people around you, you're the one for the job.
You don't just jump in without planning — you use your angelic head to figure out how to do things right the first time, like only the most dependable goddesses can. Whether brainstorming a new solution to a problem, planning a surprise party for your parents, or lending your friends a wing to cry on, you've got the right instincts, so follow them whenever you can. As natural as it is for you to take care of the people around you, don't forget to treat yourself right, too. The best friendships, and loves, of a lifetime tend to blossom when you become your own guardian angel.
So don't listen to those who say nice girls finish last. People have always seen you as a goddess of thoughtfulness and good intentions, and it hasn't slowed you down a bit. All in all, Angel, you've got it made with your glowing attitude and ability to see from on high. So get out there and change the world! What are you?
http://web.tickle.com/jumpto?test=goddessidentityogt&c=5 0652
Lana'i 2008