... I love to travel. I dont like staying one one place very long as the poeple who know me will already know! I love to be in different places and meeting different peopel and making connections so i can have fab holidays all over the world! hehehehe! i love my friends sooooooooo much and they have made my life so much easier a few in particular no names mentioned.... cough, lorna, cough nadia, cough, saskia cough and cough charlotte... cough cough cough!I love to dance and danced from being tiny as a ballet dancer. but now i just like to prance around really... ahem ahem ahem!I love to have fun with my friends and there is nothing better than spending the whole summer in france with 5 of your best friends laughing none stop!? eh?!I love being with my lovely boyfriend Dave though i dont get to see him very often as we live on opposite sides of the country.
mmmm I dont really really wish i could have met anyone in particular cos i think the people i have already met are pretty cool.... but... lets think....
Regina Spektor
Regina Spektor - Fidelity
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Take That
Marjorie Barlow (hehehe)
Aunty Gwen
Marlon Brando
James Dean
Vivien Leigh
Audrey Hepburn
Katherine Hepburn
Michael Jackson
Jimmy eat world
Blink 182
Take That (dont judge me- love me)
... tons of bands
... Tons of oldee stylee film stars
Mike Valelly cos he is amazing on a skateboard!
Cant continue my list would be way too long!
This is always really difficult ok, just gonna reel em off in no particular order.... My Chemical romanceregina spektor arctic monkeys the carpenters, # the fray no doubt/gwen stefani (early stuff) sublime killers oasis Green day vintage and new temptations lips akimbo (OLLY!) foundations commodores damien rice coldplay van morrisson norah jones eva cassidy goldfinger beatles daft punk beach boys the doves snow patrol RHCP TT foreever! Jimmy eat world, weezer Kooks the feeling MJ Jack Johnson razorlight and.................................. on and on and on and on my list goes
...again a difficult one.... erm.... pulp fiction saw, ALL DISNEY! (apart from pocahontas... that was rubbish!) cluless and legally blonde(-self association!) breakfast at tiffanys GIANT gone with the wind (begrudgingly) Harry potter (all, especialy new one!) its a wonderful life any audrey hepburn film espec roman holiday donnie darko office space shawshank redemption then there is just the girlie films that i cannot do without.... grease, save the last dance, 10 things i hate about you.... on and on and on.....
friends .... width="425" height="350" .. ER desperate housewives what not to wear cos its damn funny watching insecure fat ugly people being ridiculed- volunterily! No angel and green wing.... weekly pee wetting funniness! family guy.... all retro kids shows cos they are fab! on and on and on.....
all freya north cos she is fab and she wrote a book called chloe! harry potter in all its magical glory! jaqueline wilson... anything kiddy really!
my mum... cos shes ace! ummmm audrey hepburn katherine hepburn marilyn monroe.... My friends are my heoes espesh nad and sas cos they have the unbelievable ability to put a smile on my face no matter what is going on in my life. My Gran because she was a tough old boot with a heart of gold, who made such an amazing effect on me, an di cant wait to have kids so i can pass on how amazing she was to them. My Brother because she has just gotton to uni and he so deserves it and he is amazing. He has been so much but is stronger and amazing more than usual. And no matter how much we argue or piss each other off he is my brother so i know hes always there...