~*AllyJean*~ profile picture


SwEeT SuMMeRTiMe =)

About Me

Hey yall..
*My name is Allison,but important people call me ally. =)*
*I'm a Junior at UNCW!*
*I LOVE living at the beach, but I HATE missing people from home*
I love me some Country Boys and their Trucks preferably bowties =)
*My Family and Friends mean the world to me and I love every minute I get to spend w/them!*
*I'm addicted to Sweet Tea and Biscuits =)*
*I'm obsessed with TeXaS Football.. Hook'em Horns =)*
*I LOVE George Strait and TEXAS*
*I'm just a laid back Country Girl.. anything else my sn is Countryafgirl656*
*RIP Granny and Papa Don* 12/1/06 & 1/18/07 *Together Forever*
"Growing up Southern is a privilege, really. It's more than where you're born, its an idea and state of mind that seems imparted at birth. Its more than loving fried chicken, sweet tea, football, beer, and country music. Its being hospitable, devoted to screen porches, those good ole southern boys, red velvet , Coca-Cola... and each other. We don't become Southern- we're born that way."
All About Me
Name: Allison Jean =)
Birthday: April 8
Eye Color: Blue-Green
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Height: 5'9"
Straight/Gay/Bi: Straight
Age: 19
A Little More In Depth
Hometown: Durham, NC
Current Location: Wilmington, NC
Right/Left Handed: Righty
Ethnicity: SoUtHeRn =)
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Fears: Being alone
Weakness': I care too much
Goal for this Year: Dean's List =)
Thing that you like most about yourself: My personality.. I speak my mind
Thing that you dislike most: I judge people too quickly...
Anticipated occupation: Accountant
# of Piercings: 2
# of Tattoos: 0
Are you named after anyone: Yes, my Granny and my Daddy
Are there any common mispronunciations with your name: Naw, it's pretty easy
What is your screen-name: CoUnTrYafGiRL656
AIM/Yahoo: AIM
Living Arrangements: apartment w/Courtalls
Do You...
Get along with your parents: I sure do
Play any instruments: Naw
Have a job: Yessss
Live in the moment: I try to
Have any pets: Yes, my beagle Texas
Have any obsessions: haha George Strait and Texas..
Have any addictions: A few, but nothing bad
Speak any other languages: A little spanish and french, but not much
Have any secrets: Not that at least one person doesn't know haha
Have any bad habits: Yes, a few
Have a journal: Nooo wayyy
Own a pic phone: Yes, a razor
Exercise: I try to everyday.. but I'm also a slacker lol
Want to have kids: Oh yess someday
Prefer knowing someone before dating them: That's a must
Believe in God: With all my heart
Satan: I don't believe in Satan, but I know he exists!
Heaven & Hell: Yesss
Miracles: Yepp =)
Life on other planets: No not really
Love at first sight: Sometimes..
Luck: Blessings
Magic: um.. not really lol
Ghosts: Undecided haha
Think that you are good looking: Sometimes
Read the newspaper: On Sundays
Pray: Everyday
Go to church: Not in while.. I need to get back into it
Talk to strangers who IM: Not really
Sleep with stuffed animals: Yess
Walk in the rain: I go to school in Wilmington.. yes I have to
Talk to people even though you hate them: I try to be nice =)
Drive: I do it wayyyy too much
Like to drive fast: *I wanna go Fast*
Smoke: Nope
Do drugs: Nope
Drink: Yeppers
Cuss: Sometimes when I'm really mad or irritated
Sing: When I'm in my car jammin lol
Are you good at it: That's a negative lol
Shower daily: Yes, and you should too
Want to go to college: Already there.. UNCW
Want to get married: Yes, someday
Believe in yourself: Most of the time
Get motion sickness: Nope
Think you are attractive: Somewhat
Like thunderstorms: On a warm summer night =)
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My Interests

You Are a Margarita
You aren't just the life of the party, you are the party!
You mix a good drink, bust out some great music, and know how to get down. What Mixed Drink Are You?
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wHiCh PrEpPy StoRe r u??? (PiCS)

you like to splurge and love the moose

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

George W. Bush, George Strait, Reese Witherspoon, Matthew McConaughey, Josh Lucas, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw.. =)
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Cruel Intentions
You are the Cruel Intentions kiss!


Take the quiz: "Which Laguna Beach Character are You?"

You are LC, very fashionable, rich, and GORGEOUS. You are bitchy but in a silent way. Who cares though with looks like that!? Take the quiz:
which real world austin charater are you??

you are melinda..the girl everyone thinks is hot!

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


This Image Is From BestMyspaceGoodies.com


God, my Granny, Mama, Daddy, and US troops