Born in Knoxville, I was raised here in Oak Ridge with my 2 older sisters Brooke and Marriah. At 17 I graduated from high school (home-schooled 9-12) and was accepted into the 1 year nursing program at TTC in Harriman at age 18. In March 2002@age 19 I graduated and a few months later I became a LPN (licensed practical nurse). From June 2002-Aug 2007 I worked at NHC nursing home in Oak Ridge. I'm now working at Methodist Medical Center (the hospital) here in Oak Ridge on 2 west. I love being a nurse and couldn't imagine doing anything else.
I have two cats, Bizkit and Cinnamon, who you may as well call my children. I love them as if they were real people.
Me and my lovely boyfriend Trey have been together since April 2004. He's an angel and I couldn't live without him-he makes my life worth living. MySpace Layouts