~RACHEL profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Born in Knoxville, I was raised here in Oak Ridge with my 2 older sisters Brooke and Marriah. At 17 I graduated from high school (home-schooled 9-12) and was accepted into the 1 year nursing program at TTC in Harriman at age 18. In March 2002@age 19 I graduated and a few months later I became a LPN (licensed practical nurse). From June 2002-Aug 2007 I worked at NHC nursing home in Oak Ridge. I'm now working at Methodist Medical Center (the hospital) here in Oak Ridge on 2 west. I love being a nurse and couldn't imagine doing anything else. I have two cats, Bizkit and Cinnamon, who you may as well call my children. I love them as if they were real people. Me and my lovely boyfriend Trey have been together since April 2004. He's an angel and I couldn't live without him-he makes my life worth living. MySpace Layouts

? whateverlife.com Whateverlife.com!"

My Interests

My new addiction is World of Warcraft, which has replaced my shopping habit...music, outdoors, dancing(wish I knew how), animals(wish I could have a farm)

I'd like to meet:



Drum and Bass/Jungle, Breaks, anything with a good beat; I like just about all kinds of music, just not ALL the artists that create it


all the Shrek movies, Hott Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, 300, Crank, 40-Year-Old Virgin, Garden State, all the Bourne movies, The Fifth Element, The Princess Bride, Pretty Woman, Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Friday, ALL the Harry Potter movies


The Weather Channel, Style Network/E!, Dicsovery Health


ALL the Harry Potter books of course, Eragon and its sequel Eldest


my mom and dad, and my better half, Trey