Delucious Fogg profile picture

Delucious Fogg

About Me

And so it began. Started originally in 1968 as a three piece band which on the rare occasion stretched to a four piece,only ever performing at small venues.Comprising of the great Geoff Garrick on Lead guitar and myself on rhythm guitar and a portable salvation army harmonium.Drummers seemed to come and go and I have no recollection of even seeing a proper bass guitar,Vocals were shared because neither of us could sing that well(It slightly mattered in those days)we kept the volume on the microphone down to compensate .We went down pretty much like a pork pie at a Jewish wedding.On hindsight I think we where in the wrong place at the wrong time.I suppose you could call us flexible............Some chose to call us other things less printable.So what happened next?...??...Well in December of 1975 when Queen were riding high in the charts with Bohemian Rhapsody Geoff Decided to move to Leeds,(just because the Who did a big gig there)Where he formed a touring rock band where his polished guitar approach was put to good use, while I stayed in the deep south (Oxfordshire)performing at a few folk clubs doing my Bob Dylan impersonation with my acoustic guitar,capo and harmonica with harness.(I even got roped into doing covers of Dubliners songs one night and that was years before the Pogues.I suppose it was at that point on one fueled up(or pissed up) evening that the whole thing just fizzled out for me and I pretty much stopped playing altogether(in fact that particular guitar still has the same strings on it.Any artistic output from me came in the form of art or photography.We still see one another on the very rare occasion.I have a room at home which we call the piano room where I keep all of my musical instruments(some I dont even know what they are let alone how to play them) and a 12 track recorder.Geoff came down just over a year ago and we spent two days recording one of his songs ....a very enjoyable time was had by all.So this is basically a few songs of mine recorded in my little room.I wanted very much to keep the name Delucious Fogg alive and not let it slip from the out tray and gradually into the recycling bin.So it continues...........;(for now anyway)...........

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My Interests


Member Since: 21/06/2008
Band Members: Richard Honour is The last man standing, stranded on The Kingdom of Man experiencing Bad Vibes,Guitars,Keyboards,Penny Whistle,Harmonica,Coping Saw,,Blade of grass(between thumbs), Bass guitar,...Bodhran,...Washboard,..Harmonium,Upright Piano, Drum Box,...Kazoo,...Stylophone,...Egg Shakers,... Recorders,...Dulcimers,..Bongo's,...Strumstick,... ukulele,..sometimes cheque book,...Snare Drum,...
Influences: Dylan,The Kinks,Steve Marriot,Syd Barrett,Handell,Pete Townsend,Bowie,The Beatles,The Incredible String Band,The Velvet Underground,I must stop now before I start to bore you .I suppose indirectly I have been influenced by all of life's events.
Incredible String Band on
Sounds Like: Delucious Fog.....A little nostalgic.... Delucious Fog 2008 I hope...
Record Label: Villiage Hall Works
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Myspace verses Facebook

When I decided to join Myspace ,it was merely as a platform for my music, to see if anyone was interested enough to give it a listen to; because after all any response is better than none at all, It i...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Aug 2009 11:20:00 GMT


For the second year running I have a pair of Blackbirds nesting, so tame that the female bird will take food from my hand,and they always let me know if there is a cat about;
Posted by on Wed, 08 Jul 2009 10:21:00 GMT

Pearl River

Way back in 1969,when the world was young and I was still a teenager(just)I made a journey into the city of Oxford,in the High street,just off Carfax there was a music shop called Russell Acott,a real...
Posted by on Mon, 25 May 2009 03:30:00 GMT

Cold Days Of February. Incredible String band
Posted by on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 11:53:00 GMT

Darwin on the T.V

Charles Darwin,the Grey bearded old wonder of a bygone age has become quite popular just recently,cant change channels without seeing his name;All he did was come up with this theory that we evolved f...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Mar 2009 09:34:00 GMT

Song Writing

Sometimes it feels like its all been done before,Classical composers call it a variation on a theme,artists take years in recording studios trying to come up with a masterpiece(If they are not busy sa...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 04:19:00 GMT

What a week

Not the best of weeks,but I suppose I'm still on the planet,The prop shaft went on my van that put the dampers on the first part of the week,sadly Wendy Richards passed away yesterday,fondly remembere...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Feb 2009 06:53:00 GMT

R.I.P. Patrick Mcgoohan

Yesterday started of pretty bad and ended sadly when I heard of the death of Patrick Mcgoohan, remembered for his role in the Prisoner.Rest peacefully Patrick.
Posted by on Thu, 15 Jan 2009 01:49:00 GMT

Silly Instructions

I went into my local Tesco's the other day,I was feeling a bit hungry,among my purchases was a packet of peanuts and a tin of Tiramisu dessert,on this occasion I thought to take a look at the ingredie...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jan 2009 06:07:00 GMT

The Shortest Day

Today is December the 21st,also the shortest day of the year so it is onwards and upwards from this point;Next year I will disappear from the second week of December until the second week of January.....
Posted by on Sun, 21 Dec 2008 10:40:00 GMT