Born and raised in the wonderful city of Houston Texas, I have been making beats since I was 16 yeras old. I use Fruity Loops and M-Audio Key station for now. I always had a passion for music and now I feel like trying to b a music producer, and being a female anything is possible!!!! I am not scared of change or a challenge, so I'm reppin for the south and most importantly the ladies!!!! Hip hop or music period will never die, so its my turn to mentor you through this revival ya dig!!! lol It's not about the fame its about the change!!!I'm not perfect, but my love for music is. I may not make sense sometimes and I can be stubborn as well, but hey Ima Taurus, got very few enemies, really dont plan on making any. Im blessed to still be here. I'm trying to make the best of myself along with my music, and trying to be very successful in life. On the scale from 1 to 10 I give myself a 7 cuz theres always room for improvement. I can do anything through Christ that strengthens me! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!My dream and goal is to start my own record label. I want it to consist of artist who use their gift of music for the good of humanity as well as showing others that nothing is impossible. Also start setting new trends that will benefit us not only for today but the future as well. Once I accomplish that then success is best shared with others ya know. So here I am just doing what I love to do best. If ya interested in helping me out by making a difference in society through our gift of music then hit me up, leave a message, comment, whatever. My ears, heart, and most important my mind is always open!!!!
Layout by CoolChaser