EXTREME LINE! profile picture


About Me

4 Putos com amor e paixão pela musica que tocam numa barraquinha x )

Esperar.. vai valer a pena : )


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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .

My Interests


Member Since: 20/06/2008
Band Website: myspace.com/fakefeelingband
Band Members:

Daqui a um tempo : )

Email: [email protected] Number: soon

Influences: O punk rock / Hardcore, tanto como Portugues como internacional.
Sounds Like: Rise against, Paramore, nirvana, evanescence, my chemical romance, comeback kid, A wilhelm scream, tara perdida, sk6, parecido um pouco com tudo haver com punk rock.
Record Label: Aceitamos sugestões.
Type of Label: Major

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