<[bOY13' assistant: 2d>]
::: ...cosmic beingz! individuals who possess any passion! ...revolutionists, rebellions, old habits with good intentions and any beings who believe in truths consisting of anti-medias; governing rules; etc. a mind is a terrible thing to waste! wink! '...there are many foundations built of lies, held by a single truth. these foundations can b broken and truth, salvaged...' i'm interesting in artistic beingz. ...creative individuals who take risks, live for the moment and passionately plan ahead, simultaneously! i have a die-ing passion 4 that of sound (I.E. muzik!!!)! experimental musicians/artists please feel free to express ur lUV. i manage my own underground production <[lUV.n.mUZIK>]. join the group (link is under my 'groups' area). luv my deejays and producers! if u feel like conversing a bit, hit me. let such words flow... :::
.. ..
::: I dig tunes from the past thru the future including eLeCtRo (original, new), nEW wAVE, iNDUSTRIAL, eBM, iDM, xPERIMENTAL,dARK wAVE, dRUM.N.bASS, tEcHnO, hOUSE (all sorts), dOWN-tEMPO, gARAGE, 2-sTEP, wORLD mUSIC of all influences... basically any sound that holds true to the definition of sound. I am infatuated with <[dEPECHE mODE>]. ...other personal favorites i dig are as follows: bRONSKI bEAT, cELEBRATE tHE nUN, tRICKY, EBTG, gOLDFRAPP, cAMOUFLAGE, rED fLAG, lAMB, cATpOWER, pORTISHEAD, sIOUXIE, mOZ, sMITHS, cURE, rECOIL, LTJ bUKEM, MC cONRAD, gREEN vELVET, iAMx, aDULT, eRYKAH bADU, mS.hARVEY, tHOM yORKE, bJORK, tORI aMOS, nATALIE mERCHANT, sADE, fIONA, dIAMANDA gALAS, fASE, bETH gIBBONS, Ms.Simone, Celia Cruz, mS.j.bLIGE, pUNISHER, dIRTY bIRD, fRONT lINE aSSEMLBY, sKINNY pUPPY, bAUHAUS, yAZOO, jILL sCOTT, M@W, iNDIA, bARBARA tUCKER, mISTRESS bARBARA, lUKE sLATER, tHIEVERY cORPORATION, the dINING rOOMS, cUT cOPY, cLIENT, dAVE gAHAN, mARTIN l. gORE, bAHAMAdIA, jOY dIVISON, nEW oRDER, dEAD oR aLIVE, pET sHOP bOYS, hEATHER hART, aDAM x, rICHIE hAWTIN, sVEN vATH, sCANNER, FSOL, iNFORMATION sOCIETY, bELA nOVA, aNYTHING bOX, rEAL lIFE, sHEEP oN dRUGS, 2pAC, mASSIVE aTTACK, bUENA vISTA sOCIAL cLUB, sTACY Q, eCHO & tHE bUNNYMEN, sWAYZAK, fELIX dA hOUSE cAT, sQUARE pUSHER, the hACKER, fRONT 242, nITZER eBB, mINISTRY... god i could go on for ever! ...i'd rather not. As u may or may have not concluded, i am an avid music junkie. i have a keen ear and a sharp tongue within these elements:::
<[bOY t.V.>] ::: tORONTO pieces... :::
"I, Lucifer, Fallen Angel, Prince of Darkness, Bringer of Light, Ruler of Hell, Lord of the Flies, Father of Lies, Apostate Supreme, Tempter of Mankind,..."
:::i have yet to attain such a hero... :::