Member Since: 20/06/2008
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members:Rudi - Guitar
Tim - Bass
Sander - vocals
Thijs - Drums
Influences: BIOGRAPHYAfter a sincere carcrash with multiple cars, the four survivors tried to become friends. Unfortunately they had only one thing in common, besides surviving an inferno.
They appreciated funky music with a touch of ramoneslike punky roughness captured in often offensive and weird sexual songs, as if Bootsy was the bandleader and called the Meters for a stand in gig, replacing a Korn venue.
After a couple weeks at the intensive care, practising their instruments and rehearsing as a group, they finished their repertoire. They were ready to rockandroll! They recorded their album containing 61 tracks with superb future classics and, with all the money their insurance companies paid them,
pressed 5 billion copies of their triple disc debutalbum. The double decked band truck with jacuzzi, movietheatre and helicopterplatform was ready to hit the highway's of everlasting fame.
Then the news came.
It seemed a band called Red Hot Chili Peppers had a time machine, stole all their songs, flew back to the past and became Big Rockstars.Bonkers
Sounds Like: RHCB PLAYS 50 SONGS FROM THESE ALBUMS: Uplift Mofo Party Plan / Mother’s Milk / Blood Sugar Sex Magic / One Hot Minute / Californication / By the Way / Stadium Arcadium and several B-SIDES.
Type of Label: Major