A Better MySpace Survey
Name:: u AlReaDy KnO MOE!!
Age:: 17
B-Day:: LEO
Place of Birth:: Sierra Leone
Current Location:: Duuuval
Color:: black
Fast Food:: Wendys
Restaurant:: chinese
Animal:: PiTbUl
Instrument:: drums
Book:: WuT ThA FuCk Iz ThAt
Tv Show:: HeY ArNoLd & DoUg
Movie:: BlAcK BooTy 37
Actor/Actress:: T.I.P
Singer:: AlIca KeYs
Group:: YOUNG BANGERS(duval shyt)
Holiday:: 4/20
Season:: SuMmEr
Month:: AuGuSt
Day:: 4/20
Time of Day:: MiDnIgHt
Form of Potato:: FrIes
Cereal:: CoCoA PuFfS
This or That???
Cats or Dogs:: DoGs
Movies or Music?: MuSiC
Pool or Ocean?: PoOL
Mall or Target?: MaLL BiTcH
Day or Night?: NiGhT
Long Relationship or One-Night Stand?: EiThEr Or
Mountains or Beach?: BeAcH
Silver or Gold?: GolD
Camp or Fancy Hotel?: AnY HoTeL
Laugh or Cry?: LaUgH
Take Pix or Having Pix Taken?: HaViNg
Rain or Shine?: ShInE
If you were invisible, where would you go?: In YoUr gIrL RoOm lol
Who or What is the greatest threat to mankind?: FaKe AsS NiGgAs
How long does it take you to get ready?: Im RiGht b HiNd U
What's the best theme park ride?: My BeD
If you could invite 3 people, living or dead, to dinner who would they be?: Me MySeLf & a FiNe BrOaD
What color doesn't look good on you?: I CaN MaKe N E ThInG HaPpEn
Two fave pizza toppings are...: ChEeSe PiNeApPlE
How many states have you been to?: ThA WhOlE EaSt CoAsT
On a scale of 1-10, how pretty/handsome are you?: 20 BiTcH
Fave thing about being sick?: R u SeRiOuS
How many bones have you broken?: 0 & CoUnTiNg
Whose mind would you like to control?: Im StIlL WoRkIn oN MiNe
What's the worst movie you've ever seen??: ScArY MoViE 3
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