Anne Catherine profile picture

Anne Catherine

in the arms of an angel.....

About Me

I gotta admit, I'm not as simple as I look. I'm actually more complex. I'm very friendly & I love to go out and have a good time. I can be shy & I can be loud. I give myself alot of credit for loving to work and not being lazy because of course I too, have some bills to pay off. Being a dental assistant is one of my passions and I'm thinking of being involved in the Dental area in the future. I'm trustworthy and a good listener, I always have the time to listen and talk. I'm very silly & I laugh like a weirdo, I laugh alot. Generosity and kindness has always been one of my weaknesses. I listen to acoustic, rock, alternative & acapella/pop music.I'm true to my friends. Although, iIhave my goodside, I also have a bad temper problem, sometimes. ok maybe all the time. hehe BUT!! It's only when I'm pmsing or when my sisters and stupid DRIVERS pushes my limit. =P I still say I'm a pretty nice person, just ask anyone. =) I'm not much of a phone person, I use it only if I'm interested or i really need to call someone. I like to sing occasionally, especially with my singing partner Mhikka =) and I have photography & makeup as a hobby. I'd actually love to learn more about them because it's fascinating to see the beauty in stored a single photograph or the faces created by color and perfection. I'm outgoing as in I like to play sports as much as I can especially beach volleyball, the beach is one of my favorite places to go to during the summer. Traveling is life!! I find it very exciting and I would love to go to Europe one of these days. I'm not the kind to seek for attention or follow people just because other people are doing this or doing that. I'm one of those, "eff them, lets just do our own thing" girls. I'm more of a leader than a follower. I guess i can say I'm kinda conservative. However, that dont mean I can't have a little fun. =) I hate drama with a passion, I dont think you'll have any problem with me, unless you make it a problem... i love hanging out with my family, especially cousins.. THEY complete ME. =)To nanay - i love you. june 11, 2007
UPDATED PICS (August 21, 2007): &

My Interests

anything and everything.. look at my about me section fool!


ALTERNATIVE ROCK, slow jams, some pop & hip hop


theres so many to name


one tree hill, veronica mars, runaway, lifetime movies, punk'd, trl/bet, realworld/roadrules, ER, 8th & ocean, American Idol, America's Next top Model, LOST, house, super junior shows, korean drama


more like magazines.. teen vogue and allure


your mom =P