I made this page because I nearly went a month without meditating nor attending services...relying only on my conditioned mind,not being fully connected to my God light as I usually am. It's not that I didnt want to, I just felt I didnt have time to..in actuality did not make time. No time for God=No ti8me for urself. Take my advice and if u r connected to good KEEP on that connection with God daily an dkeep your chakras aligned for your well bein g and happiness. Negative energy/Pain Bodies/Satan is readily there waiting for u. Waiting to get in when u fall short and test you. Trust me, there are forces out there Positive/God/Light and Negative/Satan/Darkness out there ready to attack. A voice was constantly in my head begging to come back and reconnect and I just kept putting it off until too many negative chain reactions began to occur. As soon as one steps out of the pyramid of God she/he steps into another realm. In my heart I thougt I was doing good,whats was right and still loved God. But I cannot stress how important the MOTIONS r necessary. Actions produce results and speak louder than words. I had nothing left to do but surrender myself back. I must say what a blessing I've been missing out on. I commit myself to never allow that amount of time go by without attending a service, meditating, watching a video, a youtube, audio etc that enhances my enlightenment. Blessing and goodness always to each and everyones path and walk to uniting themselves with God. The source that allows us to be Creators of our own destiny.
M.Beckwith on Meditation OMG i LOVE this man!