My name is Daniel Oppenhuizen. I am devilishly handsome. In fact, so handsome I get distracted when I catch a glimpse of my reflection. I have never danced with the devil in the pale moonlight. My wit and intellect surpass the likes of a lot of really smart people. I have several leather bound books and my room smells of rich mahogany. In my world the sun rises in the east. I often find myself breaking a mental sweat reading literature such as: the encyclopedia, almanacs, the dictionary, and Dr. Seuss. A lot of my colleagues, or posse if you will, like to call me whiskers, because I am curious, like a cat. I enjoy extreme sporting activities such as: underwater basket weaving, hopscotch, horseback riding on carousels(more stability), jump rope, torch juggling, and the occasional slip n' slide. In closing, I have come to realize that a cup is better off neither half empty or half full but simply better to remain untouched in the cabinet for there are then less dishes.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !