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Member Since: 19/06/2008
Band Website: oneness-sound.com
Band Members: Above all, Ethiopia is dedicated to the principle of the equality of all men, irrespective of differences of race, colour or creed.As we do not practice or permit discrimination within our nation, so we oppose it wherever it is found.As we guarantee to each the right to worship as he chooses, so we denounce the policy which sets man against man on issues of religion.As we extend the hand of universal brotherhood to all, without regard to race or colour, so we condemn any social or political order which distinguishes among God's children on this most specious of grounds. ~ words by Haile Selassie I A well organized education should not be one which prepares students for a good remuneration alone. It should be one that can help and guide them towards acquiring clear thinking, a fruitful mind, and an elevated spirit.
~ words by Haile Selassie I
Influences: Haile Selassie I
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Selassie I

yes I,  this is the first time iv delt with this blog thing so I dont want to sound cheesey at all, with some textbook talk, with a heap calling Selassie I, and blessed love and things like ...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 15:20:00 GMT