I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking
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Www.myspace.com/baydreamsentIn America there i$ no ju$tice, we lo$t that long ago. Today ju$tice to the $tate mean$ "ju$t u$." The people have no right$ in the eye$ of law enforcement or criminal ju$tice. 1. If you bang WE $TRONGLY ADVI$E YOU DO NOT po$t per$onal photo$ of your face or give information on your page that might lead law enforcement to knowing you a$ the owner of your page. We al$o $ugge$t you take $eriou$ly our warning to protect your$elf. 2. We advi$e you not acce$$ my$pace from your per$onal computer. Go to a library in$tead. If you $hould acce$$ my$pace from your per$onal computer alway$ protect your IP addre$$ by going through a proxy. You can protect your IP by u$ing the web proxy li$ted below: http://daveproxy.co.uk 3. Never po$t threatening $tatement$ on my$pace. If you do thi$ and the police catch wind of your comment$ you $tand a good chance of being arre$ted. Remember thi$ homie$. There i$ no $uch thing a$ freedom of $peach in America. 4. Do not admit that you u$e drug$ of any kind, including marijuana. 5. Alway$ protect your communication$ on the Internet and never make threatening po$t$. The $ame applie$ to your email communication$. For $ecure encrypted email me$$aging we recommend you u$e http://hushmail.com. We mu$t work to protect one another from the prejudice and raci$t U$ government and their common practice of maliciou$ pro$ecution. Alway$ do your part to $pread the word and let all your homie$ know that MY$PACE I$ A POLICE TRAP.
My Blog
Crips vs. Bloods Gangsta Homies (Red vs. Blue) lmao
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xihgtGiS4tk Posted by on Tue, 12 Jan 2010 11:44:00 GMT