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About Me

You might want to read this. Hey guys. Welp what to say what to say.....Hum my name is Jeff but call me Jeffa. My all time favorite thing to do is make people laugh. That is the main reason I have friendster. I am not here for relationships or to become friends with everyone in the world [although that'd be nice]. I love hearing that I brightened someone's day. Or that I made a certain someone smile/giggle after watching my profile. One day I would like to be known. I would like people to be like "Oh Jeffa!? yeah she's good." I really honestly DO NOT CARE what people have to think about me. I mean positive feedback influences me and makes me stronger. Notta damn thing I really do not care what you think. I want people to get the feel of what kind of person I am. One thing that really bugs me alot is the disrepect for gays that is growing bigger and bigger everyday. All guys want anymore is a piece. They do not care about gays. ALL they're lookin for is a place to store the bat mobile. Calling gays such words like "HEY FAG" shows disrespect towards gays. People should use words such as "BEAUTIFUL" ,"GORGEOUS", and "CUTIE." Words that were meant for gays. Except for people who are trying to be someone they're not just to fit in. Then the only label I will accept is Poser. But other than that. EVERYONE is themselves..There's no Skaters / Jocks / Emo / Punk / Prep / Dirtbag / there's just you...and you...and oh you with the glasses. EVERYONE is themselves...So no one can label me anything but..ME!!! Anyways, now that you know about me.....I hope I have made some kind of thought process go through your mind while reading this. and I hope that some how I have made an impact on your life... xoxo