SARASOTA HARDCORE profile picture


About Me

SUP 941
Sarasota Hardcore is a constant work in progress.
Since there aren't many REAL hardcore bands in Sarasota, we're doing our best to support metal, etc. Chill out.

We're just a couple of kids looking to raise money to help out Sarasota's music scene. After countless times of being denied by shitty "venues" such as the VFW Hall, we decided it was enough. We don't care if you're straightedge, a pothead, a Christan or an Athiest, we just know that we all have one thing in common- the music.
None of us want to see the bands in this city break up because they can't find shows to play- we need a venue, and we need it soon. Sarasota has talent, and we can't let that go to waste.
OH and by the way, respect your venues, Sarasota ! THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS !
Stop throwing chairs around and breaking shit, guys- we know it's fun, but come on, would you rather throw a chair or see Carnifex ?
we realize- not every band from Sarasota is classified as "hardcore". This just started out as a site to help Sarasota hardcore bands, but we do support all genres of Sarasota music.
If you want US to support a show.... SEND US THE INFO!..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

941 BANDS:

Want to be on the page ? We'll support you if you're from the 941, just ask.


My Blog

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