Electromagnetic Wave Field Theory, Quantum Mechanics, The speed of light, The weight of glory, life after death, life before death, music, pulse engines, anything that can fly, bright light, loud noise, food, my wife and beautiful daughter.
I like meeting people. People are cool
Any that can touch my soul with emotion thats real and realevent to me and the mood I'm feeling.
I like animated kids movies: Shrek, Flushed away, Ice age, The one where the racoon took the bears food, openseason, The Simpsons,
Lost, Last comic standing, American Idol, Flip that House, Extreme makeover Home Edition
These are my favorites: Bible, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Dune, The Firm, Pilgrims Progress, Ender’s Game, Ender’s Shadow, The Imitation of Christ, To kill a mocking bird, Arena, The magicians nephew, Screwtape letters, and most evertything C.S. wrote, E.M. Bounds' books on prayer. Abide in Christ, Thats all i can think of off the top of my head.
Jesus, He's everything I want to be.