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FOLK RADIO UK REVIEW Nov.26 2008------------Nessi is German Singer Nessi Tausendschoen with Canadian guitar player William MacKenzie. This is their first CD together and they haven’t held back. They have Special guest musicians Harry Manx (slide player) and Kevin Breit (Norah Jones Band). You can hear the album on the Indie playlist. The album has been described as a minimalistic blend of jazzy, folky, rootsy tunes with a European flavor. That doesn’t give away much and neither would any attempt at a description on my part. What I like about it is it’s very mellow and serene with an underlying dreamlike mysterious side to it in much the same way as some old folklore tales have. Nessi has a captivating voice that has a fantastic range of styles. This the sort of album that grows on you. I had pinned down a few tracks to play but after several listens that task wasn’t so easy as I thought. I’m pretty well hooked on this. Fantastic album folks....................................................... ............................................................ .... FOLKWORLD review of Hide and Speak 2009 ( issue number 38) Accompanied by Canadian guitarist William Mackenzie and guest slide player Harry Manx, Nessi presents an unusual bandwidth from folk to jazz music. The songs are sparsely arranged leaving her voice the necessary space. It doesn’t take long before your hypnotized. Forget Heather Nova or Norah Jones….there is better! ............................................................ ...........................................................N essi Tausendschoen has already released 7 CD's in her native Germany. She has recorded jazz, classical, and chanson songs in German, English and French. She is known in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with her award winning caberet-chanson solo shows performed on TV, radio and in theaters. William Mackenzie performs with the Billy Bob Buddha Band in Europe...................................................... ................................. The new CD " Hide and Speak" was chosen in October as FAVOURITE CD OF THE WEEK on Bayerische Rundfunk 2 (Bavarian Radio 2 Germany) and they wrote ........"a wonderfull singer- songwriter album."..................................................... .............................DIE WELT am Sonntag 29,09.2008 (Germany's largest Sunday newspaper) wrote "Hide and Speak......."this is definetly worth listening to! "

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Member Since: 18/06/2008
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Buy the CD from CD Baby or contact us for more information.

Influences: Marlene Dietrich, Ella Fitzgerald, Yma Sumac, Maria Joao, Fury(the horse) and I Dream of Jeanie, Björk, Muddy Waters, Taj Mahal, Rickie Lee Jones, Chopin, Albert Einstein, Fred Flintstone, Buddha, the cows of India, Nina Simone, and on and on.... the universe
Sounds Like: "Hide and Speak" RADIOINDY.COM REVIEW------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------Award winning singer Nessi flaunts her angelic voice on her newest album which is embedded with acoustic folk/jazz material on “Hide and Speak.” Her partner in crime, Canadian guitar player William Mackenzie, also does his part with some solid acoustic playing. Nessi showcases her polished vocal range on songs “Like Steel” and “Empty” while also depicting her stories through her lyrics quite well. Mackenzie’s guitar playing shines through on “Midnight” with his James Taylor-esqe finger style picking. In addition to these two fine musicians are notable guests Harry Manx and Kevin Breit who has played with Norah Jones. “Hide and Speak” is a must have for any fan of Carla Bruni or Norah Jones. -Shaun H. and the RadioIndy Reviewer Team
Record Label: Conanima/NRW Vetrieb
Type of Label: Indie

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Posted by on Sat, 17 Dec 2011 15:39:00 GMT

"HIDE AND SPEAK" ON CD baby!!!! , iTunes, Rhapsody

Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 11:25:00 GMT


Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 04:38:00 GMT