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strawberry fields

Yes, sir you gandered!

About Me

So...the name is Kirstie, though various people call me Kirt. I really don't mind whichever, I will answer to both. I say things like "barrrth" and "parrrstarr".Not because I'm well spoken, but because I come from a different hemisphere. Australian/Yorkshire makes an interesting combination. Please don't ask me to say "G'day mate" or something else just as imaginative. I do the worst Australian accent when I try. When I'm drunk I hear it's pretty good. I adore my friends. I'm not one of those to hug everyone I meet and make them my automatic BFF. I like familiarity and tend to stick to what (or in this case who) I know. This suits me fine as I doubt anyone could match up to what I've already got. I'm unashamedly carnivorous. If it wasn't for giant mass-murdering corporations like McDonalds, I'm sure I could very easily be vegetarian. I like music and film. In fact I like them so much I'm considering a career in one of the two, though behind the scenes. That's when I've finished travelling the world. I love dancing. Not that I'm any good. In fact I'm pretty sure I suck, but try and let that stop me. I like a good drink, but then that's when I do start hugging (at least, those are the lucky ones) everyone I meet and making them my automatic BFF's. I go to Greenhead College. I made it to my second year and though I hate the place, it would be a bit pointless to drop out now. That's unfair, I hate the work. Everything else I can live with. I guess that’s me in a nutshell. Feel free to talk. I’m a lot friendlier than this implies. The dwarf knows what he's talking about.
France 27th March - 2nd April 08
Scouting for Girls 12th April 08
Lee Evans 15th November 08
Egypt 18th November - 25th November
The Fratellis 1st December 08
Mighty Boosh 5th December 08

My Interests

Being outside when it's sunny, having old woman talks with Becky and Fiona, not really knowing what I'm talking about with Lucy, making fun of Steph, plotting with Heather, drinking with Gina, talking musical geek stuff with Katie, walks, picnics, dancing (not the professional stuff), dressing up, travelling...

I'd like to meet:

Roy Stride 12th April 2008
Brandon Flowers 20th November 2006


I actually like a bit of everything. Indie, rock, punk, electro...70's, 80's, 90's (!) and 2000's. i just like music =D if you want to know specifically, play me a song. though The Killers and Patrick Wolf are particular favourites.


Across the Universe, Pan’s Labyrinth, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, The Butterfly Effect, 28 Days Later, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, Thirteen, Donnie Darko, Atonement, Stardust, The Shawshank Redemption, Moulin Rouge, Edward Scissorhands, Identity, The Holiday, Hairspray, Hot Fuzz, Green Mile, 10 Things I Hate About You, The Wedding Singer, Shaun of the Dead, The Girl Next Door, Corpse Bride, Dodgeball, Sleepy Hollow…there will be a lot more….


The Mighty Boosh, Skins, Scrubs, Ugly Betty, The War at Home & Hollyoaks Also Big Brother...don't judge me, you know you love it really. Brain rotting stuff I know, but hey, I got into Greenhead, not like I'm complaining


The last Harry Potter book. Can you say AWESOME? And Dead Famous. Thats pretty cool. oooh and the Flowers in the Attic series. Nothing like a bit of incest.


Becks - my boyfriend who looks like my girlfriend. Bi-lingual, vegan, I actually have anything in common with her? Well we're both terrible lightweights. And a bit old ladyish. She makes me feel smart when I debate with her and she always makes me laugh, intentional or not. She's actually brilliant. I'll never meet another Becky.

Fi - Fi to the Fy to the Fo to the Fum. Gives excellent advice, and quotes Lee Evans with me! It's awful seeing a Parcelforce van when she's not there. Brill sense of humour. She gets me into some situations...hiding in French student showers...but she'll look after you if you drink too much...unless she has.

Lucy - My best friend! I'm going to travel the world with her and her dyke and I can't wait to be honest. She's one of the most important people in the world to me so you hurt her you have me to answer to. I've known her for years, and I can see us being friends for years to come. One of the most amazing people I know, I wouldn't swap her for ANYTHING!
Steph - The ginger! And she's not bent anymore! She's my mini me. I like to be silly with her. I love this girl so much it's unreal, and she's horrendously immature. I make fun of her every chance I get and she takes it like a pro, cos she knows I'm only doing it for attention. When we're drunk I like to fling her around.

Hevs - Aha. Heather has the red square! Ever since Steph had her operation I've been taking my mean streak out on her. And its very rewarding. Classy birds abroad yeah? I like to take pictures of her when she least expects it. Perving on Australian barmen (SO WOULD!) and quoting advertisements. We might watch too much TV, but we entertain each other so its ok. G-U-T-T-E-D. She's a bit dim bless her..."I've been thinking..." ..."Wooow"

Gina - Friends while sober, best friends while pissed. We just giggle all the time. She's amazingly nice, but I've seen her secret mean side. We make excellent cheerleaders (ring ding ding ding...). She makes me look bad for laughing at my own jokes...but I'm really just laughing at her laughing at them. Basically impossible to keep a straight face around her. Oh and she's YORKSHIRE if she hasn't said already.

Kate - Known her since I was nine. I see her on and off, but every time we meet up we have a great time. I can act like the biggest of spazzes around her and get away with it, as she knows my inner child. Share a lot of memories with her...we were actually insane children, and to this day manage to bring out that side of ourselves.

Katie - The musical geek. Ah now this is a genius in it's true form. She makes me chuckle. I miss our Dont Stop Me Now dance. Though Lee Mead is mine. I resent the fact she went to musical geek college and made us all miss her. I dont see her nearly enough anymore, so I think more bench visits are in order. She's actually mental, but I can deal
Tilly - The one with amazing hair. ALL the time ¬.¬. This girl needs to realise how cool she really is. Self deprecating and small but I miss her!!!! Despite her shyness I got to know her and am very happy because of this. She sings very well, though all I have to go by is reenacting Sweeney Todd...mischief!mischief!
Mum - she doesnt act like it :P But I dont mind, I prefer it that way. She puts up with so much, but I don't think anyone else will have a mum as good as mine. So ner.