I'm a cunt...
as if you all didn't know that.
We all make mistakes, it's just the ability to change our ways that make us human.
enough of the deep shit.
I am stu, i like to be in the studio, but there is a major catch, i only like being in the studio, doing things that i like to do. If i am interested you will have my 100% dedicated attention. If i am not, you'll likely get filled with excuses...
I have came to the conclusion i am likely going to be alone for the rest of my life. I had a girl, but she is now gone. She left me as the wreck you now see before you. Hence i have major trust issue's with the opposite sex.
I've also realised that i would rather spend time listening to music than with a girl. Hence Music is my girlfriend, my lover, my choice.
I remember i always told my band and members of other bands when they were having girl troubles.... That a girl will hurt you, and leave you... your guitar never will. Which is true.
I like music from every genre, and i mean every genre. country western, hip hop, emo, punk, rock, funk, classical, grind core, metal, new-age, Trance, Techno, drum and bass,...
i love listening to bands and learning from their songs to which production techniques they have used.My master is Leonard Soosay, of Snakeweed Acoustic Labs Singapore.
I am currently studying at SAE Perth on Bennet Street.
I drive a 1988 Nissan Patrol GQ, 4.2. Straight 6. Its sadly automatic, but that just enables me to eat a big mac and drive at the same time. Hence i like to think i can multi task.
My baby is my PRS CE 22 custom. It's purple. I like purple.
That is all for now.