Hey there! I am shines..I like to travel to different states and countries...Small town girl in the big city. I like the simple things in life. The things that money can't buy. The things that are priceless: sunsets, long walks along the beach or the park, time with someone special, and time alone.
I love hanging out with my two lovely grandaughters and my grandson!
The MomentI will be quiet and experience the moment. When I accept that the day before me is a teacher, that it has within it as many of the deepest components of mystery, love and God as any moment of teaching or doctrine could contain, then to experience the moment is to experience the soul.It is not that the search is not fascinating or exciting or even enlivening, only that there are no answers-at least, none based solely on intellectual belief systems. To seek the answers in those systems is to simply rearrange the question and find a partial answer. The experience of soul is the acceptance of the moment in which both the question and the answer dissolve and become irrelevant. I will allow myself to co-exist with soul energy, to become one with the moment and one with all that is contained within it..........................................................
SimplifyingI will simplify my day today. Each and every task that I need to accomplish can be either broken down and simplified or made more complicated. It is up to me. I will look at the tasks of my day that make me anxious and I will see how to make them less complicated. I will let go of my compulsivity and simply do what needs to be done. I will simplify my mindset. Much of what I experience as complication begins in my mind. It is a subtle hanging on to small circumstances and interactions, or unnecessary anxiety over situations, that only hurts me and creates more anxiety. There is always some way to simplify my thinking, feeling and behavior. This is an important step toward making space in my life for could to come forward.layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments