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diesel...the dummy

About Me

This is a real life tragedy about a family whose baby, at only 5 months old, was shaken and is in the hospital fighting for his life. Kaleb, the only son of Kristy and Josh has been in the ICU since May 9th. Please view the following link that questions the legitimacy of stories circulating on the internet. experienced Shaken Baby Syndrome by the hand of a babysitter. (For a more detailed version of their story, please read "Kristy's Story" in the blog section.) For updates on Kaleb click here to subscribe to Kristys blog. This page is set up to help Kaleb and his family. Kristy and Josh spend mostly all of their free time at the hospital aching for a moment to hold their now sixth month old son. Expenses are mounting. This page is set up so that YOU can play an active role in helping Kaleb and his family.The most important way to help is to PRAY for Kaleb's recovery! Secondly, you can donate funds to cover medical expenses, lawyer fees, and other expenses by donating to the Help Kaleb Fund. 100% of funds will be used to help Kaleb's family. Please make checks payable to "Kristy Schwade", and send to: PO Box 291494 TAMPA, FL 33687-1494 OR just use the Make A Donation button to donate instantly to Kaleb's mothers Paypal account with a credit / debit card. ([email protected])

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MySpace Avatars Lyrics
MySpace Avatars Lyrics

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My Interests

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Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from

Cool Stuff at
HAVING MY OWN BUSINESS AND LOVING IT! scrapbooking for my daughter, shopping, decorating my home, having fun with the family, throwing parties (jewelry), jet skiing, fishing, camping, traveling...selling lia sophia jewelry! love the money! :) anyone interested, email me! :)

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I'd like to meet:

MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsMY LOVE.......MATTHEW MCCONAUGHY!

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i'd love to meet angelina jolie, she's a bitch and I LOVE IT! i'd also like to meet eva longoria cuz' she's so gorgeous!


slightly stoopid, reminds me of PA! justing timberlake, salsa, sonique, enrique!


my favorite movies are: girls just want to have fun and ED t.v. and The Notebook (could watch this everynight), i like "elf" too! i know i'm a dork! :)


dora the explorer...i know....sad!when i get a chance to watch t.v., i love home improvement shows, discovery channel, ORANGE COUNTY CHOPPERS, LOVE THEM!, lifetime..


davinici code, that book by that guy (can't remember right now), where he lied about his whole book....the drug addiction, his love....etc. loved it!and "build it big"


Myspace Graphics

my mom! she was such a beautiful, wonderful, vivacious woman! i miss her everyday! wish she were here!also my mother in law! she's such a wonderful person! she has such a "different" outlook on life, like no one else does, i love her!my hubby, hes the best! there's nothing like the love of a wonderful man...
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from

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