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About Me

Beauty with Brains... NICKNAMES:ina..kat..katkat..trina..katrine..katy..katz.. kaTzZriNa..naNa..(whatever what u want to call me)..PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES: 5"4..light complexion..long hair..swe3t birthday is January 19.. i like number 16 (just don't know why)..and 8 sometimes..COLORS THAT attract me moSt: baby i love to wear jeans and sometimes spoRt look or preppy chic.. ..i like posing for pictorials even though i'm not a ModeL.. certified coffee addiCt! ..staRbÃœcks would be great!.. if i'm bOred i surf the net.. or i jUSt teXt my frieNds..(nagpaparamdam lang..) but other's 1st impression (always)..i'm a snOb..mataray.. something like that..bUt definitely nOt! 100% no no! tHat's not me..AS I CAN SAY: i'm a 100% Fashionista because i love to mix n' matCh clothes...perO noT kiKay..iM jUSt a simPLe girL wiTh a simple life...and i'm happy and contented with that.. i'm just only child (uniCA hiJa)..but im not a spoiled brat..yeah! ..i love PERFUME so much..i don't know why ..even though i have a lot of it in my cabinet..i always want to buy one.. i remember my mom didnt allow me to buy: CK_PURPLE ORCHID..uh! it's an unlimited edition..and i like the's just not strong for me..arghh!..but it's okee.....SPORTS (although i'm not really a very good player).. i love to play leisure and i find it relaxing..for me..and i don't eat before i play.. word games.. f1 racing(hopefully i would be able to watch one live!).. group:ClicK..121611..FOOD: im not into fooD trip ..actually im on a diet.. since i was 1st year HS..and i love to workOut.. right Now im lil bit of a vegetarian..yeah that's right! and i love seafOODs really!!..i would love to be with my friends..and i love to cook but eating is nOt juSt for me..PLACE: uhmm..i likE to traVeL a lot.. if i have enough time i would love go to the BEACH.. because i think that's cooL and very relaxing.. and for lovers i find it romantic..PEOPLE ADDRESS ME: pepz..butter..melody..cassandra..caba..b3ssbRoh-- sis..siStah! mahal..gummy bear..choCo FudGe.. H3y.. seXy..ganda.. rose among the thorns..nana..diwata..whatever you waNNa caLL me..aryt?!..SONGS: tattooed on my mind (definitely one of my faves).. i like IncUbUs.. and the album: U Had me at Hello.. uhmm what else can i say..i'm kinDa senTi sometimes..meJo lang.. muSic touChes my 2003 ..stage actress (i love to perform and act even though im a shy type of person).. Walk out Queen (my friends--CLICK--used to call me when i'm not in gooD mooD..i just walk out of the canteen and do some stuff..u know.. to release the anger of somesort.. (s_day)..Confident (my friends would always want to take picture of my a**p*t.. often expressionS: 'baliw.. whatever'..'corny.. com'n let's gO!.."im bored"..toxic.. "sorry late reply.." hehehe! SUBJECTS: definitely SCIENCE ..biology.. MATH-geometry..MALLS (i'm not into tambay sa mall..rather i love to eat popCorn while watching movies..) @ Alabang Town..Mega mall.. Greenhills(with my mOm).. Glorietta( with my dad)SCHOOLS :CMP-CCH (Pre-Elementary) ..Don Bosco Sta.Cruz (Elemtary)..CSi--Christian School INternational(HS)..Whew!

My Interests

Watching movies..television,Surfing the Net,Chatting with friends,etc

I'd like to meet:

Honest and sincere..friendly..and CoOL feeL frEE to adD me.. [email protected]




Matrix Trilogy,Lord of the Rings Trilogy,Fast and the Furious,Tomb Raider 1&2....


Angels and Demons.. Da Vinci Code.. Digital Fortress.. Deception Point.. Lord of the Rings Trilogy

My Blog

Someone Will Always Be ThankfÜl fOr YoÜ. . .

Someone will always be thankful for you.. Someone will always cherish the warmth of your smile and the happiness in your heart. Someone wants to always be close enough ...
Posted by Ma.Katrina on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

A very nice piece about life. . .

Wonderful Life This is a very nice piece about life . . . The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower ...
Posted by Ma.Katrina on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

FrOm a FrienD. . .

WhEn YoU`Re WiTh SoMeOnE WhO MaKeS YoU SmIlE, SoMeOnE WhO HeLpS YoU SeE HoW BeAuTiFuL ThE SiMpLe ThInGs In LifE CaN ReAlLy Be, WhEn YoU`Re WiTh SoMeOnE ...
Posted by Ma.Katrina on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I aPpreciaTe. . .

eLLo! I jUst waNna thAnk You for sPendinG sOme tiMe readinG mY joUrnaL riGht now. . . I aLso waNna tHank you fOr inViting me to be you'Re frieND heRe. . . It's reaLLy niCe to haVe friEnds here. ...
Posted by Ma.Katrina on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST