Member Since: 6/17/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: 2007 - Sir Colin - "Retro"
2008 - Sir Colin - "10"
2008 - X-Face
2008 - Pascal Tokar
2008 - Startrooper
2008 - Chiccas
2008 - Dave202
and many many more
We are helping you with pleasure from compositions, through songwriting, right up to the production of your song or your idea. It doesn..t matter, whether it..s in the range of electronic-, rock-, or pop-music. Whatsoever musical genre is prefered by you, we will prepare the ground-way or complete workings for you. Of course, acting on the basis of commercial sense, as in a way, that is absolutely suitable for the crowd and market. Needless to say, that customer is king at our..s as well. We are going to put those things into practice, whose execution is demanded by you. We will always help you with words and deeds. Furthermore, we are going to arrange it so, that your sound carrier is finding the trudge to a label, and is going to come out, guaranteed - as far as it ..s been wanted. Due to our long lasting collected contacts and relations, we are able to give guarantee for that. With our infra-structure and our partner studios, we are creating in common or for you, your song. If you are new to the line as a musician, and are planning to pass through further important stages, apart from an own song/album, etc... - which are indispensable for a music artist, we will help you along just as well. From the most professional photo shooting, up to the promotion, we are capable to offer you all of these things.
As music artists acting for ourselves, remix-commissions are realised for other kind of projects very often by us. Yet, you also get the opportunity of producing a remix under your name by us. It doesn..t matter of which musical genre – in common and success-oriented.
As band or artist in general acting for ourselves, as by order of a record company, we are drawing up the complete compilation. We are editing the material until it becomes the finished master-tape – for the purpose of a nonstop DJ mix edition or regular CD-compilation. If desired, one of the best graphic establishments of Switzerland will be involved by us, to get the very thing for cover, booklet, etc... All by an one-stop shop, clear and cost-saving.
At our modern and full equipped music studio, or at one of our partners, you are getting the opportunity to record your mix - CD live as a DJ ( postprocessing and correction inclusive ) or completely let to be “mixed†under your DJ-or acting-name by software and through us. An interesting aspect for those, who are planning to release their own mix -CD.
In case, that been already pre-producing your track at your own home-studio or at another one, and got to get it mixed correctly and mastered, we will bring that down for you most professionally as fast. At your desire, we are correcting possibly mistakes and put the final touches to your song as well, so that this one is going to achieve success to that effect.
Are you looking for a record-studio, at which you can record your vocals on tape ? Whether it is for your own, or intended for commercial reasons. We are a one-stop shop and will adapt the records accordingly.
As a new and young band, it..s desired by one to find a suitable but affordable record-studio, at where the bringing in of one..s own inspirations, is allowed. We are offering you all by being a one-stop shop – all records, adaptations inclusive. More over, we are gladly helping new artists without any commitment.
A perfomance as DJ or act is a quite important as unforgettable experience. Give your perfomance an intro, to call the visitor..s attention unmistakeable to you.
We are owning millions of most different kinds of sampler. Do you produce yourself, and would like to take advantage of high -quality and immediately usable sampler of all ones across-the-board – got the self-produced CD..s at hand, and offer them gladly.
Is a putting on or other special occasion planned by you, for whom various sounds of the nature or of the animal world are needed ? Or are you looking for sound effects to build up a terrific, scary mood ? We are creating the sensational motion link, which is needed by you.
Do you fancy the idea of creating a high-quality ringtone upon an established song, which you want to apply for your own mobilephone ? Or are you company, planning to offer ringtones ? We would be happy, to advise you on this matter.
Your virtually acoustic business card. A friendly voice on the phone is and persits the best business card for every company. Mostly middle- as big firms are not capable of avoiding it, to put their callers into a waiting loop. We will make sure, that this one is going to come in modern rather than boring. The right music is having quite effect upon moods. By the correctly selecting of music tracks will we arrange it so, that reclamations won..t end up in a gross language, as more over the customer may even like it, being on hold for more than three minutes at the last Furthermore, we are capable to make your answering machine out to be endearing and one of a kind.
The recurrent theme through companies at radio- , TV and other multimedial promotional options. Work out an acoutic brand for your company with us and establish yourself at your target-group.
If got a new product, which you..d like to present in an unmissable as unmistakeable way, it does matter a great deal, here, too, so put a new complexion on your new product or new brand in the form of an stable, encircling wall.
You endeavoring to attain great success with you new brand. A voice, which is appointed pertinently and consequently will appeal on the emotional level, and may be used to establish a connection between your brand and the potencial customer. According to the way, you..d like to appoint this voice, the effect of recognition will be guaranteed.
A quite attractive advertising medium, which is still appealing. There is no medium, daily as much consumed as radio, and also making advertisings available that fast at the same time. More over, the price-perfomance ratio for advertising on the radio is most attractive. A commercial should be zappy plus sententiously, professionally created and gladly to be heard. Too many information could have counter-productive effects. Come in conversation with us about your ideas. We are giving you a detailed advice and are gladly willing to get all workings done – right up to the transmission to the radio station.
Make us of one of the largest media. Moved pictures ! Soundtracks for your commercial on TV are indispensable. The music calls the tune. Get in touch with your customers on an emotional level. By a properly suited and a carefully chosen music, which is putting under the commercial, you will be in the position to afford emotions and as a result – interest.
We can help you with regard to the music as well as with each other constituents. Also, we are the straight point of contact, when it has to do with MOVIE SOUNDS. The production of soundtracks might be one of the most difficult realisations. The music has to be precisely tailored to the pictured scene, like it has to convey the feeling of immersion to the beholder furthermore. Although the music is going to be rated primarily afterwards, it would be impossible to enjoy the film without the music. The music calls the tune, the emotions plus the FILM.
A campaign needs an acoustic encircling wall. Enhance your communication, while creating a campaign-soundtrack with us. As a result, it will give audience to your target-group as you will attract their attention, too.
Your message is going to appeal.
Are you planning an occasion, for which you are having the need of the in-house, unmistakeable soundeffect or possibly even soundtrack ? Get In contact with us, so that we will accomplish the set objectives soon – with you.
It does speak for a store itself, if one could listen wittingly or unwittingly to a suitable track, while rummaging for products. And this without commercial breaks – because you don..t want to confuse or distract the costumer, do you ? The customer should devote himself fully to your goods, and as well be maken to forget the world affairs momentarily. We..d gladly like to communicate the required executions and contacts to you. If you in favour of playing your own, individual music or if your intention is, to draw on a giant sound reportoire from the international charts – happy to give you advice.
Sounds Like: STAR TROOPER - One In A Million
Sony BMG praesentiert hier einen ganz frischen und neuen „Star“, der in den naechsten Wochen und Monaten mit Sicherheit fuer Aufsehen sorgen wird – STAR TROOPER! Hier handelt es sich um den hochtalentierten und trotz seines jungen Alters schon sehr erfahrenen PIERRE HUMPHREY, der u.a. mit 16 Jahren bei der Casting-Show "TeenStar" von RTL2 gewonnen hat. Mit seiner ersten Single konnte er damals "Top10-Luft" riechen und wird dies in naechster Zeit bestimmt wieder tun koennen. Hinter dem Projekt steht ein sehr bekanntes und erfolgreiches Produzenten-Team aus der Schweiz, welches aber im Hintergrund bleiben wird.
Passend zu seinem Act-Namen kommt nun die erste Single "One In A Million" und er wird damit bestimmt nicht nur bei den DJs und Tanzwuetigen die Sterne vom Himmel holen koennen. Also bitte volle Unterstuetzung bei diesem Thema, denn dies wird nicht die letzte Single von ihm sein und weitere Hits stehen schon in den Startloechern!
Der TV-Spot seiner Single "One In A Million" ist auch bereits auf Sendung!
Record Label: Diverse
Type of Label: Major