Chaos said to Rusty one time at a party, 'I wanna start a thrash band.' Rusty said 'I'll play guitar if you want.' Then Chaos asked his friend Chas to play drums, who also played in Rusty's band. Chas said 'I don't know much thrash.' But we made him play anyway. We asked Goon to sing in our band and he said he might. But then he sent us a message and said he would so now he is vox. One day when we were drinking instead of band practice someone said it would be good to have Jarrad in our band. We asked Jarrad (while drunk) who said yeah that'll be sweet. So now hes the second guitarist. He may not remember but we do.
We'll record some shit when we stop getting drunk on the weekend.
Oh yeah tell your mates to add us. We should have some tracks up soon.