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Save The Kimberley

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About Us
For more information about Kimberley whales visit
Livistona Palm
This website has been put together by the "Save the Kimberley" group.
Formally known as "CHEAK" which stands for Cultural, Heritage and Environmental Advocacy for the Kimberley. We are an independent awareness organisation and have been established to:
1. Educate the Australian and international community about the threat to the Kimberley Coast and its inland wilderness areas posed by multi-billion dollar gas and large-scale industrial development proposals.
2. Engage support to ensure that the Kimberley is protected for the enjoyment of current and future generations.
3. Produce educational material about the impacts of the proposed developments.
4. Disseminate information about the Kimberley’s globally unique cultural importance and the threats created by uncontrolled development.
Save the Kimberley does not oppose development. Save the Kimberley supports appropriate development that looks after people and the environment of the Kimberley.
We hope you find our site informative.
MEET THE MOST FAMOUS MEMBER OF SAVE THE KIMBERLEYThis is Shabu a member of the group iv Humpback Whales that transverse the Southern oceans then along the West Australian coast to the remote Kimberley . For over a Millennium its ancestors have taken this journey to their calving and mating grounds.
This Kimberley whale’s pectoral points to Wilson's Point, one of the proposed sites for an LNG Plant on the Kimberley coastal wilderness, a deep water area loved by whales such as Shabu and their family groups. LNG plants in this area would be an environmental disaster for the pristine coast and whales alike that throng through here with their calves.
If you look closely you can see the exhalation from Shabu’s blow hole.
Picture © Annabelle Sandes endangered
The majestic Kimberley is one of the world’s last great wilderness regions. This pristine area rich in culture, heritage and biodiversity is Australia’s last untouched frontier. Home to many endangered species the Kimberley wilderness is a virtual Noah’s Ark, a shielded system that is much as it was from the beginning of time. Humpback whales, turtles, Dugongs, the Golden Back Tree Rat let alone the many other species of flora and fauna that are yet to be discovered. Can you believe that this World class treasure is under threat?
Doubtful Bay
“There must be some places left on this planet untouched by the heavy hand of Man.”
Kevin Blatchford President Kimberley Marine tourism Association.
The Threat. Off shore from the Northwest Australian coast lays the Browse basin. Large discoveries of oil and gas have seen an unprecedented explosion of international resources companies take up tenements to develop these resources. This brings the Kimberley Coast under the threat of Industrialization as proponents look for sights to turn natural gas into LNG. And in the processes create ports and infrastructure that will forever change the face of the Kimberley. The Kimberley Islands and mainland are also abundant in minerals; this to has attracted the attention of many a corporate boardroom and the availability of an energy source brings into play the real threat of further down streaming projects. All this is preceding a frantic pace without a master management plan or even a proper assessment of the values of the Kimberley. The Kimberley needs Help now.
There are alternatives, we don’t have to sacrifice the Kimberley wilderness to develop the browse basin . Peter tucker. Chairman of STK.
Kimberley Coast
Visit some of the areas that will be under threat here. A vast area will be affected and even though the Kimberley may be sparsely populated, doesn't mean there is nothing to be lost. Uniquely native species and ecosystems unlike anywhere else on the planet exist here, much of it in pristine condition. Nature cannot speak for itself, but those who care and are concerned for the retention of natural habitats, should take this opportunity to do something positive and help us save this one. All you need to do is write a letter encouraging those who CAN alter the outcome, to the given address...perhaps 5 minutes of your time. Your support is greatly appreciated and we thank you for taking the time and joining with us in this most important concern.

My Blog

Help get the Kimberley World Heritage Listed

Help World-Heritage-List the Kimberley! Here's how... It only takes a couple of minutes to write your "Please World-Heritage-List The Kimberley" letter to Peter Garrett, and email it via this ...
Posted by on Tue, 12 May 2009 03:31:00 GMT

Dr. Dan's Notes - Song Lines

James Price Point is, known as Walmadany to the local Indigenous people. It is the proposed site for an LNG hub yet it is also part of the 72km song line that extends north from Ganthueame Point in ...
Posted by on Tue, 12 May 2009 02:51:00 GMT


Singers in one voice against siting gas hub in Kimberley 20th April 2009, 6:00 WST Award-winning singer-songwriter Missy Higgins has stepped up her campaign a...
Posted by on Sun, 03 May 2009 21:57:00 GMT

Byron Bay Blues Festival Artists support STK

Byron Bay Blues Festival was a great success, as always, even in the mud and rain this year. Save The Kimberley was there in full force and greatly supported by our musician activists, to name a few, ...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 00:51:00 GMT

Save The Kimberley In Sydney

Yesterday 15/3/09 an open meeting was held in Avalon Sydney by Save The Kimberley, host core members and friends Peter Tucker and Indigenous spokesperson Albert Wiggan, were present. The meeting attra...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 02:58:00 GMT


Save The Kimberley is currently processing plans for several awareness concerts to be held. One big event at this stage to be based perhaps on the East Coast in Melbourne but others are also in the of...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 22:27:00 GMT