Hydrocephalitic profile picture


You and I both know that dead air is a crime

About Me

I'm an aspiring amateur novelist. My works mainly concern tastefully arousing novelette collections for the over 50's and infirm. Publishers thus far have been highly interested in 'Voyeur in the Attic' and 'Caroline is Watching'. If you have any queries on my literary works, please do not hesitate to contact.Furthermore, as co-founder of the Tony Gray Appreciation Society (or T-GAS, to its inner sphere), many of my hours go to promoting his cause. If you wish for any more information, please email [email protected] and I will supply you with a welcome pack. Many thanks.I love Mr Sheening poetry corner and taking the odd glance at my insidious Mill's and Boon stash. Despite leaving such fulfilling employment at Blackwell ltd, I have re-created poetry corner through utilising the 45 degree nature of my bedroom corner. It almost makes up for it. Inspiration is everything.I also love a good, wholesome thesaurus. I'd like one for Christmas. One should not be ashamed to acquire new words, such as perambulator and donnybrook. Grammar is good for you. It's like a diet high in fibre, cor, I'm getting all excited.Aquiring middle-aged stalkers also fills the hours rather well...
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My Interests

My friends interest me greatly. Alan Partridge, holding books and reading them, cravattes, braces, banjos, pianos, poets, ale, fringes, birds, fields, bats, frogs and the versitility of the potato.

I'd like to meet:

Bill Oddie, Dan Cruickshank and Adam Hart - Davis. Lycra clad, no less. I would like to have lunch with Boris Johnson and spend 24hrs with Stephen Fry, on a weekly basis. More if they like. We would talk about socks, tricycles and the joys of the party buffet. I'd also like to meet Ernesto Guevara, but sadly he is deceased. I shall have to be sustained on his ephemeral presence. Sigh. Mourn.


Radiohead, Robert Zimmerman, Idlewild, Bright Eyes, Joanna Newsom, Neutral Milk Hotel, Pulp, Hooowlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters, Leadbelly, Biffy Clyro, Amos Lee, Aretha Franklin, Dive Dive, Songs:Ohia, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, Hendrix, Supergrass, Fionn Regan, Modest Mouse, Rachael Dadd, Otis Redding, Sam Cooke, Stephen Fretwell, Willy Mason, Thom Yorke, Sufjan Stevens, Jenny Lewis, Shouting Myke (why did it end?!), New Radicals, Where I'm Calling From. I do love Joanna Newsom's new album, and that's no lie.


Rushmore; that is all. Cinematography at its best. Fantastic script. Never will I spend another such intense 90 minutes of hilarity, in my existance, again.


Ceefax. Neighbours holds a special place in my heart, alongside What The Victorians Did For Us and Late Night Poker. Also Jeremy Kyle...'cause he tells it straight.


Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Crime and Punishment, Jude The Obscure, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, A Clockwork Orange, Riddley Walker, Birthday Letters, Notes From Underground, The Beano Annual '96, Lady Chatterly's Lover, Women In Love, The Rainbow, Fiesta: The Sun Also Rises, The Bell Jar, As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning, Anna Karenina, Nineteen Eighty Four, Down And Out In Paris And London, Animal Farm, The Magic Faraway Tree, Far From the Madding Crowd, Birdsong, Voyeur in the Attic, Lolita (hhmmm fire of my loins), D H Lawrence, Blake and Sylvia Plath, mostly and a bit.


Roddy Woomble. Not because of his worldly achievements, merely as I want to ravish him. Also, Lizzie Finch and anyone who might wear a cravatte.