Marcus Offutt Ambrose aka MOA aka Mufucka On Arise aka Fuck GW aka I Can't Hear You
Are you tired of Soulja Bitch, Mims, Hurricane Chris, and other annoying buffoon rappers similar to them? Well, MOA is the remedy to all of these black face old time menstrual show corporate slaves. MOA spits real lyrics. From gang life to college courses...M-O-A spits about life...not about ice and how 'gangsta' he is.
Get ready for the return of real hip hop.
Words from MOA:
I grew up in Chicago and Southern Cal for the majority of my life. I encountered gangs, drugs, quick money, females, all of the negative 'guilty pleasures' of life. But on the other hand I've experienced success in school, attending major universities, being recognized for outstanding community sum it up...I matured. The streets are not glamorous. I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy to have to struggle, gangbang, and rob to make ends meet. There are other avenues to success and prosperity. In my music I try to give young kids, black or white, yellow or purple, the opportunity to see that the streets is not the only place to be 'cool' or accepted. The powers that be want to keep us down. They want us to like shit with zero substance to keep you from gaining any intelligence whatsoever. Well there is a 'Mufucka On Arise' to combat all of that. You corporate fucks get ready... I will dismantle you FUX LIKE LEGOS...