Sundays of Summer started as a 5 piece rock band formed in college in the summer of 2008. It started out when two college friends Rosh Paulo Gonzales and Neil Vergara decided to make music together for a certain Pop contest that was going on during that time. Though they failed to even make it to the finals their entry "Answer" got decent airplay time on the number one music channel in the Philippines. With this, drummer Andrew Santos saw the video in one site on the web and fell in love with it and decided to lend a helping hand due to the duo's said weakness on the beat department. Soon after that, Andrew's buddy Chino Reyes was added to the mix and in the April 2008 Mikel Sevilla joined to play bass which completed the band's lineup. Sundays of Summer's influences ranges from Pop to alternative music whrein each member has different tastes in how the music should sound. With their current lineup, the band still continues to grow and improve their music in their own little ways
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