Involved with musicNmind, my partner and I have met & collaborated with many talented
folks in & out of TX. As primarily graphic artists we combined the elements of
music, culture
& art through musicNmind. We spend countless hours promoting what we believe in. Rather
it be music, art, events and so on...The FANS, Music
Artists, Graphic Artists, and Affiliates
make it all happen. Thanks for your continued support!
musicNmind provides more services than can be listed & supports to the Independent music community.
We are working towards broadening the genre
of music artists we collab with. If you are interested in
having musicNmind review your music or are interested in having musicNmind
coordinate your next event, email us at:
[email protected]
Some of our services include: Quality Graphic Design for posters, flyers, magazine ads, billboards,
press-packs, Identity for companies or artists: Including original & customized logos, business cards,
letterhead, envelopes, labels, CD covers, posters, etc...musicNmind also promotes all affiliated events through
printed media, word of mouth, on-line (like myspace), and at other events. Consulting of any project or event
usually gets taken for granted, but it is definitely a part of the process...
Aside from our graphic design skills, we represent many independent artists from TX & other states. We book
all of the artists listed on our web site through musicNmind... No phonies here! We usually have a booth
set-up at all of Emo's Hip-Hop shows with flyers & posters for upcoming events. Feel free to Contact us
for feedback or more info!
Hope you are making plans & keeping up with all the upcoming events in 2008. We list current & past events
on-line at musicNmind.net Check it out & make plans to peep some of the dopest cats in TX. musicNmind
also collabs with artists that are on tour from other cities & states. The genre is a mixture
of underground hip-hop beats, original intellectual & raw lyrics. Feel free to drop by the website & say hello
or let us know what you thought of a showon our on-line email.
Anywho, myspace is a very useful tool. I wish I had time to hang out with everyone of my friends,
but this helps me keep in touch. See you at the next party, event, show, etc...! Peace.
XOXO, Anirak
Don't forget to visit www.musicNmind.net