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Chelsea performs Sonatina at age 6.
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Chelsea performs at 7 years old.
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Chelsea performs Bach F minor Concerto at age 7.
Chelsea performs on the Ellen Show at 9 years old.
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Chelsea is a humble yet fierce competitor. She began competing and winning piano competitions at the age of 5. Chelsea has been a winner in her last 10 straight competitions.
In addition to Chelsea performing in competitions, Chelsea has already performed at a variety of major venues: Madison Square Garden, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, CAMI Hall, Merkin Hall, Steinway Hall, Rutgers University, S.O.B.’s, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and the CMA's which was televised by the ABC television network.
Chelsea has participated in benefits and fundraisers such as The Governor’s Arts Awards (televised on the Metro Channels), a Tsunami Benefit in Baltimore, Hospital Audiences at Brooklyn College with Melba Moore, a Hurricane Katrina Benefit at Rutgers University, New Visions at the Pierre and Waldorf Hotels in New York, and many Church functions. With great honor, Chelsea performed at the Empire Plaza Convention Center in Albany, New York on January 16, 2006 for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s observance.
Chelsea has been featured in several publications such as Newsday’s City Life, Outstanding African-American Students, and National Geographic.
Eric Cohen Books, established in 1980, is the leading publisher of English Language Teaching (ELT) materials specializing in publishing ELT books for Israel and abroad. Eric Cohen Books used Chelsea’s life story in their textbooks. They were fascinated by Chelsea’s story and wanted to use it to enlighten and encourage children in Israel, Greece, and Spain.
Chelsea’s emails have reflected how much of a positive role model she has become for many young children. She personally responds to every email she receives.
Chelsea’s DVD entitled “Progression of a Child Prodigy†depicts how Chelsea progresses through her musical performances. Children can often find it difficult to relate to the talents of individuals who are more than three times their age when they are asked to accomplish their musical studies. This DVD will help encourage young students into believing that it is possible to achieve musical excellence at a young age. Chelsea seems to have touched people all around the world regardless of their age, sex, nationality, profession, etc. The demand for her DVD from parents and musicians is overwhelming and we are very pleased.