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aku tak hot. takpayah ckp aku hot. thnks (: LN if needed : kaki kau

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kaki pukul aku. suke buat aku gelak. suke bikin aku hott. suke teman aku gy memane. suke teman aku nanes. makcek kenit. dy ase dy pendek, padahal bg aku tak. aku sayangg dy. sumpaa. smpai maty dy aku punyee. <33

even dy takde ms, dy tetap bestie aku smpai maty. being frens about a year ago. bestt. byk kenangan yg aku akn igt smpai maty. dy saket, aku saket. dy sedih aku sedih. dy syg aku, aku syg dy. ily <33

aunty gile babi. hahaha. sala sala. aunty gile babyyy. mwahh. suke dgr story dy. suke layan dy menggedix. suke lyn dy menggile. suke segalanye pasal dy. otw nak date wif her. baby, ily <33

Sys Yaya
suke bebel kat aku. suke borak nan dy wehh. suara cute sial. suke share probs nan dy. taksuke bile dy degil takmao makan. but btw, ily sys <33

Sys Intan
kaki bebel. kaki gelak. kaki dy berbulu. hahaha. she's great sys wehh. caring. loving also. takkire ape, she's mine. <33

budak gile babi bongokk gilee. suke moody. suke memekak. suke kacao aku kat ms. haha. but dy sweet siott. beshh layan dy wehh. ily <33

here we come. dy pakcek kepingg aku. i call him PINGG. hee ~ nape ? dy suke amek picca bdn kurusss dy. dy selaloo brsama aku. almost 24 hours. dy akn ade tyme aku perlukn dy. bestie smpay maty. pingg, ily <33

sape yg fuck dy, sorry. wateve he is, dy mmbe aku oke. he's cool. gile babi. suke carik pasal nan aku. suara cm bini dy. cute. haha. beshh wehh kawan nan dy. <33

abg gilee. hahaha. suke bikin aku panass. suke bahan aku kaw2 punye. cucu kesayangan aku kat ms nehh. kau beshh lahh bodoe. awex kau pown bestt. (:

Bro Akmal Hilmi
bro kat ms yg cool gile baii. suke kumens nan dy smpai lebam. dy baek. cute. heee. beshh beshh bro. ily <33

sweet cm babi. sial cm sial. haha. suke pukol pale dy. fyi, dy lesbo. dy coup nan sue, mmbe aku. hahaha ! acah jehh. kaki bebel woo minah nehh. dlm kelas selaloo kne sound nan ckgu english. vavyyy, ily <33

*sape agy yehh ?
about you law aku kata taknak couple nan kau, means i dun like you bro. tapi, law aku suke kau, aku akn bg hint. phm ? (: pluss, takpayah heran a aku suke ckp babi. cume nan mmbe rapat jehh & musuh aku. phm tak busybody ?
eklass abg ke 3 aku (Emy) ckp. law nak coup, cube kau coup nan boy yg dkt nan kau. aku tny WHY ? dy kate, law kau coup dkt, bole jumpe. papehal, sng bwk brbincang face to face. aku jwb lik, tp bg aku. aku selesa jee coup nan boy jaoh. kesimpulan cite aku ? jaoh atao dkt takjd masalah. as long as you love me. (:

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DEAN given by a lovely name, SITI NURDIANA BT ISMAIL. call me DEAN plss. i'm fourteen. fourteen means fourteen lahh babes. takpayah tny byk byk kali. taksuke wehh. aku tao aku nmpk tua && menawan okehh. (; was born in a cool hell city, ALOR STAR, KEDAH. dob ? 20JUNE94. currently staying at a bajettt town, KAJANG, SELANGOR. since 05-08. ermm, got boyf or not ? i'm proudly answering NOOO. i'm SINGLE dude. but not into coup yet. (: love to sleep. not forgetting, EAT EAT EAT. FATTY ? hell yaa, its ME. jeles ke aku suke makan ? c(: expert in talking, NON-STOP baii. ((; aku sgt degil, keras aty. so alerts okehh. i love books, seyesly. but buying is not easy. c(: aku taksombongg. seyess lahh sayanggs (: last but not least, i love to be ME. if u feels like i'm not in your type of friend, get rid of me then cz i'm not gonna delete u from my fwenlist. not my style. THNKS (;