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Omenesa Oruma

About Me

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A Nigerian native, born into the family of Bishop Ben & Joy Oruma, on September 16th, 1983 . She is an only child. She was born in Toledo , Ohio . Three years later, God instructed her parents to move back to Nigeria to plant churches. Both being academicians, they were surprised that God would send them out of their fields. (Bishop Ben Oruma holds a PhD in Computer Sciences, and his lovely wife holds an M.S in Library Sciences). Against all odds, the Oruma’s relocated to Nigeria for 14 years. It was there in 1997 that Omenesa was diagnosed with scoliosis and went to Cleveland , Ohio for surgery. “I remember dad and I traveling all over the States raising funds for my surgery via my singing and his preaching. My mom had to oversee the churches in Nigeria , so it was very hard for both of us, but God kept us.” October 5th, 1998 , the surgery was successfully done, and Omenesa began a new life. “It is truly a miracle that I am alive today. On my sick bed, God reminded me that I will not die, but promised that He will use me to shake the nations. I didn’t understand it then. My parents named me Omenesa, which means, ‘My own is unique’. So I knew I would live that unique life, someday, somehow.”It’s been a long road for Omenesa, but it’s her tenacity and power voice-a gifted instrument loaded with anointing-that has carried her through. From dance teams to singing in the adult church choir, Omenesa became a natural. Following the steps of her father, she has learned a lot about music (In his younger days, Bishop Oruma had a band and sang his way through ministry, till God gave him the pulpit ministry. He is known for his famous medley, ‘Messiah’). She grew up around it. Soon, it became her passion. “All my life, I’ve prayed to be one of the most anointed gospel singers in the industry. I have never wanted an ordinary blessing. If I’m going to do this, I’m going to do it right. It’s the anointing that makes the difference.”

There have been numerous obstacles to thwart the plan God has for Omenesa’s life, but Omenesa says, “You’ve got to fight with your mind, and let it happen. Move out of your way.” She confesses to being one of the greatest stumbling blocks in her life by not fully yielding to God in the past. She is learning everyday that ministry is all about sacrifice. Her parents raised her in church, to be a mighty woman of God. Singing since the age of 3, she has gotten many opportunities to touch the lives of many.

In weeks to adjusting to her new life in boarding school at the age of 9, Omenesa discovered that singing is what she will be doing for the rest if her life. “Being homesick, I sang myself to sleep every night. The proprietress daughter heard my voice, and that is how it all started. Before I knew it, I was singing the National Anthem at events and I was the soloist to every program the school held. Even though I’d been singing since age 3, it became my own when I got on that stage. Music became a friend to me.”

At the age of 9, Omenesa sang in a crowd of 20,000 people in Maiduguri, Nigeria at a crusade, where her dad was the speaker. It was obvious that singing was her calling. The awe of it all was remarkable. She hopes to continue in the light of Yolanda Adams and Shirley Caesar. “These 2 women of God have made me anticipate the dream that God will bring to pass.

Omenesa attended Zamani College in Kaduna , Nigeria where she was told that she would never amount to anything. “I fought that voice for many years. I allowed it to catapult me into a pit of insecurity.” Not for long, because she rose from it. The realities surrounding the low self esteem issues only made her stronger. “Music did become my clutch, but as I get older, I’m finding out that having a personal relationship with God is the most fulfilling thing.” After moving to the States, she attended Bedford High School for 4 years in Cleveland Ohio (the same school Halle Berry graduated from). In the Spring of 2003, she set out to Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, Texas, (Where Kristy Starling graduated from) where she majors in Pastoral Ministries. Spring, 2007, she made another move to Louisville, Kentucky. While in Louisville, Kentucky she has been enrolled in Stratford Career Institute studying Child Psychology, and Women of the World (studying Women’s Ministry) and in the Fall of 2008, returned to the University(SAGU) to finish her degree, as a distance ed student. She has now obtained a certificate in " Child Psychology" and in "Women's Ministry". She is currently a member of ‘Trinity World Outreach Center, where Pastor & Mrs. Turpin are impacting her life greatly. “I had to get out of Texas . Too many interwoven circumstances spat me out of Texas , and I knew it was all a God thing. I was filled with uncertainty, but remained convinced about the blessed assurance God had given me many years ago.” She is writing her first book, “What’s age got to do with it?” and it is unveiling the reality that God does use young people in the ministry field. Samson was called, and so was David. Even Jesus was called at a very early age. The book depicts the struggles Omenesa has been through to obtaining the prize and position God has for her in ministry. In completing her book, she is finding out the importance of experience, and how the process in serving God is really what makes the change. “Disruptive moments have caught me unawares in ministry, but I have used every one of those moments to get closer to God, and have allowed Him to take full control of my life.”

Omenesa tours all over Nigeria and the United States , and has a great passion for her music. She is pursuing her music career and is allowing God to prune her for the pulpit ministry. She hopes to be a Senior Pastor one day and follow in her parents footsteps. “Many people tell me that my decision to be a Pastor is only because I want to live in my parent’s shadow. That is very far from the truth. I got my calling at the age of 12 and it was reconfirmed when I was 21 years old. I tried to run away from it, and attempted to study, ‘Law’, but God had another plan. You cannot run away from where God places you. Somebody once told me, ‘Grow where God plants you’.”Omenesa has competed in many talent shows, sang at many church inaugurations, written over 30 songs, recorded demos, sang on albums, auditioned for American Idol, and recorded her debut album in 2004….God has great plans for this young lady. Started singing in BOMCCC (Ben Oruma Ministries Children’s Church Choir) at the age of 5. While in boarding school, the proprietress daughter heard Omenesa humming to herself. Soon she began to sing at government and graduation ceremonies, school events, etc. She sang, “I’m a Kings Kid” in Maiduguri, Nigeria to a crowd of 20,000. Joined BOMTT (Ben Oruma Ministries Terrific Teens) at age 12 and was the lead female vocalist who made, “You’ve got to hold on” the group’s best. She wrote her first song in 1997 (Kill the Giants). She gained confidence (via my singing and dad preaching) all over the United States . Rev Mrs Joy Oruam is the Ambassador of Flame Fellowship International, and Omenesa has sang on many of her Mother’s Conventions. She began to sing with the Mixed Chorus Choir in Bedford High School and sang the American National Anthem at sport events. Joined the Acappella Choir in her sophomore year of high school, and in her junior year, she became one of the 12 chosen singers for the Madrigal Choir. Led the Acappella Choir in, ‘Ride the Chariot’ at the Cleveland Severance Hall in 2001, and was the lead singer to, ‘The Star Carol’ with the Madrigal Choir. In her senior year, she joined the group, ‘Nathaniel Burges and Praise’, and at their very first concert she led the solo to, ‘Only Believe’.

She was also a back up singer for Rap Artist SESTOR and recorded 3 songs on his debut album (SESTORICAL). Auditioned for American Idol after her high school graduation in 2002, and made it to round 3 in Atlanta, Georgia. She sang, ‘The Star Spangled Banner’. On her very first day as a freshman in college, she sang, ‘More than Wonderful’ at the school’s chapel. Joined the ‘Harvester’s Choir’, and did a solo to ‘Anthem of Praise’ and ‘He Reigns’. She wrote all the songs on her album (EMBRACE) produced by Segun Samuel. In Nigeria, she has been honored to sing on the same stage with the likes of Panam Percy Paul, Kinsley Ike, and Brotha Martins. She participated in the CMTS Atlanta Fest Talent in 2003. She became Choir Director of Redeemed Christian Church of God in Euless , Texas ( Mountain of Praise and Worship), and kept her position for 1 year. While in Nigeria on her Pastoral Practicum, she founded a children’s dance team (ABC Girls) with a membership of 3 which now has more than 12 members in Abuja . In 2005, she led the Praise and Worship at the summer kids camp (Life for Youth camp) in Vero Beach, Florida. Joined the college traveling singing team “Furious Love” in 2007 and was the soloist to ‘Jesus I love you, “Be Still”, and “Heaven on my mind”. They traveled to Mexico, California, Las Vegas, etc. Summer 2008, Omenesa made it to the 3rd round on "Louisville Idol", which a friend of hers, Chris Wilkerson won. She was also part of the 22 chosen American Idol hopefuls out of 10,000 people in Louisville, Ky 2008, but never made it to Hollywood. Inspite of, Omenesa says, " I am a gospel singer and will never compromise my faith. I have learned that one cannot climb up the right ladder on the wrong wall. He/She will never get to the top. I am focusing on why I am here and searching for my mandate on earth. When God lets me know, I will only heed to His voice and His voice alone. Doing all of this has strengthened my ministry. I have grown spiritually, emotionally, and vocally, it is all to the glory of God." Omenesa is growing. This singer, song writer, and author is blessing the lives of many. This is only the beginning!

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Member Since: 16/06/2008
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Influences: God, My Parents, Judy Jacobs, Shirley Ceasar, Yolanda Adams, Cece Winans and Kinsley Ike


Sounds Like: Trying to be more like THE MOSTHIGH
Type of Label: Major

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Check out this video: HE WILL DO IT AGAIN

Check out this video: HE WILL DO IT AGAIN
Posted by on Thu, 08 Jan 2009 16:05:00 GMT