Tattoos, tattoos, n more tattoos!! Oh yea,.. n many more TATTOOS!!
I'd like 2 meet any1 who would like 2 have a seat on my chair n allow me 2 tattoo on them. Any1 n evry1 out there who have received body artwork 4rm me has n have been my main source uv support. I'd like 2 thank u all 4 all ur support. W/o great peepz like u all,.. my tattooing career would have not existed 4 dis long. U all r da main reason y i stay on my grind!! Thanx again peepz!!Here's ALL da info u need:The 1nk Garage 15336 E. Mineral King Ave. Visalia, Ca. 93292 shop: (559) 627-5012 cl: (559) 308-6776ask 4 "LaO" -- --
Da buzzing sound uv my tattoo machine tops ALL music!! (I love all types uv music) --
Any type uv movies az long i'm watchn it w/my love (Diana)..
Don't have time 4 t.v,.. my xbox 360 always t8kz over..
Tattoo magazinez
I am a hero myself!!