Whuts good people? It's about time I updated this thing again... FINALLY. Here is my short story. This is my page as you kno... NEMOtwo... or Jay, as most of you know me. My life is about the few truely puer and beautiful things left: Love, Happiness, Art, and Music. Everything else revolves around those things, to me. I'm very positive and outgoing, always singing or dancing, or coming up with crazy ideas inspired by art. I don't mean art in the traditional sense. All art is, is you putting yourself into anything and making it more beautiful to YOU. That's exactly how my art is... it's not the greasest but its me; and I'm quite happy with it. I've always been into art and music! Art is a lot like life; it's a constant evolutionary process of our expressions. How we express ourselves makes up a lot of who we are. Music, on the other hand, is more like the soundtrack to life. Jus like when they play a sad song when something sad happens in a movie; when I feel a certain way I listen to music that feels the same way. And yes, I did mean to say that music FEELS. Music is jus someone's emotions or story; and stories are mostly someone's emotions about an event. That's why I hope to spread love to the world through my art! The world could use more lil bit love anyway. So, to the unispired, un-loved, and unhappy; don't look for inspiration, love or happiness; Be the inspiration, be the love, and be the happiness. Life...Love...Art. It doesn't get much simpler than that. So that's my short story. As far as my latest crazy idea, I've lately been designing for an up and coming clothing line that I'm doing. My partners in crime are MUKS and ENZO. We're nearing the final stages so soon there will be a clothing line! Well that's me for now... Stay Tru, Stay You!
P.S. I'll have some flix up of some real pieces soon