I just moved to Austin about two years ago. In that short time I am witnessing a rerun of what I saw happen in San Diego. Yuppification! The rich and corrupt are moving in on this city and if they have it their way the poor and middle class will be forced to move out. The developers, politicans and rich transplants from Southern California are to blame. They want to live in the "Live Music Capital of the World" but they don't want to hear the music or see the people that create the scene! Scumbags they are!
Old people are being forced out of the homes they have lived in all of their lives because of the rising appraisals and taxes. The Rich; their money buys them into our politics and their bullshit views of the "lesser classes" is tainting those that once wanted to keep Austin laid back.
Why on earth people would want to move to a place as cool as Austin and turn it it to something as fucked up as Southern California I don't get!!
Our city is on their to do list....what are we gonna do about it!?!
The older I get the more fed up I am with rich folks and what their money usually buys into. We are all on the chopping block!
The older I get the more fed up I get with our government as well. I know the title "Kill the Rich and Eat Their Children" sounds sort of harsh but look at what they are doing to us. Our rich and corrupt leaders have their hands in cookie jars all over the world! In their neverending quest for ridiculous amounts of currency people die, lives are ruined and our Mother Earth is raped and poisoned.
We stay jaded and buzzed on drugs, liquor, prescriptions and bullshit news as we sit and wait to be slaughtered like spring pigs.
All of these blue pills keep us happy, quiet and easy to manage! Imagine that...
Kill the Rich and Eat Their Children isn't a literal statement. It is more of a metaphor about my frustrations with how easy it is for our rich leaders to ruin everything they get their hands on!!