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About Me

Marché à OuagaThis site is dedicated to a little boy whose name I will never know. I saw him walking in the streets of Ouagadougou at the cross-road of the Charles de Gaulle Pediatric Hospital, bare foot, late in the night. He was very small and gliding among the people in the street, holding high his head, with self-confidence and with a look "don't look at me, I know it all". As I was watching him, comfortably tucked inside my car, I suddenly understood that he had nowhere to go, no one to enfold him safely for the night. Petit d'Homme is a pun in French meaning a little one born from Man. This little boy might never grow up as a man or might never have access to the basics of life, education, safety, health and food. That night he came to my attention but there are hundreds like him wandering in the streets. For this boy and the many children whose childhood has been denied because of the selfishness and the greedy needs of some leaders, this inacceptable situation must cease, and our leaders must act accordingly. Race for Power and Money is just a bad combination leading to excesses encouraged by our politics at different levels. Did you know that African Governments use and used to contribute financially to the western world presidential campaigns?..Orphelins du SidaMy aim is not to make anyone feeling guilty of what we have in the Occident but to raise the issue that some places in this world are facing serious problems regarding food, education, health, safety and freedom of speech and living under the "surviving level". Now consider this: if you ever ask Africans whether they feel like being a citizen of the world or not, their answer will be no. How could they possibly feel like that when it is difficult to get a visa from the "Mother country" which not very long ago took advantage of the richness of their native land? This is beyond their thinking, too far from their perspective...And then do they really have time enough to spare to think about that, as every day the main concern is to find a way to feed the family and to send the children to school. This would be a typical question from a "White" as would say my husband and his friends. When this . Some people claim "I love black people", but when it comes to mingle with them every day at HOME, to have them coming to the "Mother Country" it is then a “NO, NO WAY”. These same people will go to Africa, bringing back very picturesque pics, probably not seeing the misery behind the smiles and the joyful colors etc. They still have a colonial image of Africa and perpetuate it in the western world. For generations we have been abusing of our power there, and now we should deny them the right to come. I believe that in many ways we have been disturbing their process of evolution for selfish and political gains and in the name of God. Although I can understand the concerns of the western world politics face to immigration, I think that our leaders should seat with their African peers and try to work out a solution rather than taking harsh decisions. What could we do to retain immigrants at home instead of patting the shoulders of despotic African Leaders and encouraging better governance in Africa. It is breaking my heart to see these refugiees and boat people being exploited by smugglers and dying in awfull conditions. Surely there is a way to avoid this.  I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 ( Warriors

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Echoe my voice and let mine echoe yours for a safer world, a better world where children can be children and mothers can sleep peacefully.CHILDREN FROM BURKINA FASO ..Namaste
Marché de quartier à OuagaPETIT CALCUL MENSUELPour survivre au Burkina Faso, il faudrait un salaire minimum de 75.000 CFA (environ 150 euros)Un sac de riz de 100 kgs COUTE 25.000 CFA Un sac de mais de 100 kgs coute 22.500 CFA les condiments(légumes) coutent 8.000Produits de base (pain, sucre, savon etc) 1,500,00 CFA Eau 6.000,00 CFATotal 76,500,00 CFAMaintenant si on pense qu'un pain coute 160 CFA, un paquet de spaguetti 175 CFA, On n'ira pas loin avec un budget de 1,500,00 CFA pour les extras.Ensuite ne sont compris ni le loyer, ni les soins medicaux, ni le telephone. Quand à l'essence... Alors il faut bien encore réduire certains postes du budget s'il y a budget car ici nous sommes meme en dessous du niveau de survieEnfin, il faut se dire que pour la grande majorite il n'y aura meme pas de salaire de 75.000,00 CFA. Il faut plutot compter sur 30,000,00 ou 50,000,00 CFACe salaire va devoir nourrir une famille d'au moins 8 personnes sinon plus.A noter que dans la plupart des cas les aliments de base ne comprennent ni farine, ni sucre, ni beurre, ni lait etc...Il n'y a pas d'argent pour ca. Je n'ai meme pas compté le loyer.La scolarite : il faut compter 250 euros par an pour une education valable privée et etre dans une classe ou il n'y aura pas 100 élèves comme dans le public. Donc tres peu de personnes y auront accès ou alors au prix de grands sacrifices. Ce pays qui est classé 174e sur les 175 pays les plus pauvres, n'offre meme pas une scolarite digne de ce nom à toute une generation qui éduquée permettrait au pays d'aller de l'avant.href=" R1YmUuY29tL3dhdGNoP3Y9NjhuOHBxWm14MG8=" target="_blank"> Les misérables feat Awadi

When Africa will find the way to unite and put her feet down, just imagine this scenario: You apply for a visa to visit Africa, it will takes a long time to be processed or worse the visa is not granted and the embassy is not refunding you the money you paid for the visa. How would you react? Many embassies accept visa applications knowing from the beginning they will not grant a visa to that specific person, but still they accept it and the money with it. Now where is going that money? In some places it is used to finance some of the "Mother Country" local and national cultural institutes, is simply shocking. Anyway most of the audience will be expat as entrance tickets are too expensive for some local people (which is more than the average of the population). Anyway like many institutions these are just a pretext to justify salaries and jobs abroad and cater mainly for them and expats (I am an expat). Yes your tax money is sponsoring this . Some people claim "I love black people", but when it comes to mingle with them every day at HOME, to have them coming to the "Mother Country" it is then a “NO, NO WAY”. These same people will go to Africa, bringing back very picturesque pics, probably not seeing the misery behind the smiles and the joyful colors etc. They still have a colonial image of Africa and perpetuate it in the western world. For generations we have been abusing of our power there, and now we should deny them the right to come. I believe that in many ways we have been disturbing their process of evolution for selfish and political gains and in the name of God. Although I can understand the concerns of the western world politics face to immigration, I think that our leaders should seat with their African peers and try to work out a solution rather than taking harsh decisions. What could we do to retain immigrants at home instead of patting the shoulders of abusing African Leaders. It is breaking my heart to see these refugiees and boat people being exploited by smugglers and dying in awfull conditions. Surely there is a way to avoid this.

My Blog

Anaisis Buddha bar II Deepak Chopra and Buddha bar my favorites
Posted by on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 10:25:00 GMT

A Villain as a president

A Villain as a president ....Blaise Campaore came to power in a coup in 1987. He subsequently won three presidential elections, the latest in November 2005. Poll officials said he had taken more than ...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 15:58:00 GMT

A lover knows only humility he has no choice...

A lover knows only humility, he has no choice...A lover asked his beloved,Do you love yourself more than you love me? Beloved replied, I have died to myself and I live for you. I've disappeared from m...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 13:59:00 GMT

"Burkina Fasos pure president"

  Burkina Faso's pure president.... By Bruno Jaffré .... Translated by Barry Smerin....  .... Thomas Sankara, president of Burkina Faso, was assassinated 20 years ago. His original ideas for...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 01:25:00 GMT

Reporters without Borders: Media in Burkina Faso - a High-risk exercice

The Ministry of Communication and Culture regulates the media. Despite practising self-censorship many media outlets, particularly private ones, are often critical of the government. Some journalists...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 13:01:00 GMT

The UN rates Burkina Faso as the world's third poorest country

Formerly Upper Volta, Burkina Faso has spent many of its post-independence years under military rule. .. ..  .... After taking power in a 1983 coup, Thomas Sankara adopted a policy of nonalign...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 12:51:00 GMT

Timeline Burkina Faso

  BURKINA FASO chronology of key events: 1919 - Upper Volta becomes separate constituent territory of French West Africa. 1932 - Upper Volta divided up between Cote d'Ivoire and French Sudan. .....
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 12:33:00 GMT