Mary Beth... Playing Guitar/ riding dirtbikes....getting Tanked! smokin a lil Ree-Fer!!! and hangin out with my boys and Bros....and my Bro-Sis
Danny Bonnaducie, Tim Mcgraw, Garth Brooks, and the author Christopher Paolini! hes the best!
Metallica, a lil Heavy Metal sometimes, usually music i can chill to. and i do live in the outback so i do listen to some country lol
Shogun Assassin, Scary shit with like were wolfs in it , and Army Of Darkness!
MXC deffinantly!!!!! O yea and UFC
The Chronicals Of Narnia, like Fantasy Books About like dragons and wizards, and mid evil stuff. Also the book im readin right now Eragon! by Christopher Paolini, check it out its AWESOME!
my dad, All of the Badguys, people who fight bears for a living.