This business has been designed so that ANYONE with a sincere desire for success can do it — regardless of background or experience.
What if I don't have a sales background?
This is a business about showing, not selling. Marketing Pre-Paid Legal is about sharing the membership with those you talk with everyday. Although available in Europe for decades, Pre-Paid Legal plans are still relatively new to most North Americans. As a Pre-Paid Legal Independent Associate, you'll more than likely find your efforts directed more at educating and explaining the service rather than convincing people to buy something they feel they may not need.
Regardless of your background or education level, this is an opportunity and business that can work for you if you're willing to commit to it. Pre-Paid Legal Associates come from all walks of life and professional backgrounds...
* Education
* Real Estate
* Direct Sales
* Advertising
* Insurance
* Accountants
* Law Enforcement
* Printing
* Stay-at-home-Parents
* Postal Employees
* Students
* And others...
As a Pre-Paid Legal Independent Associate, you're backed by a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange with over 30 years of experience.
Will I receive support and training?
YES! Our Certified Field Training program is designed to give you "hands on" experience in learning how to present the membership and share the opportunity with others.
In this business, success is determined by your dedicated effort. However, it IS NOT a complicated business to learn.
What would I actually be doing?
A number of marketing options are available to fit your lifestyle and schedule, but in a nutshell:
..* You show others the Pre-Paid Legal product...
Pre-Paid Legal offers a variety of sales aids and training to help you become comfortable presenting the product.
..* You sign them up...
To enroll prospects as Pre-Paid Legal members, you gather brief contact information and the method of payment (monthly credit card or bank draft — for example) plus the first month's payment.¹
..* You send the enrollment to the corporate office for processing...
.. * You can get paid everyday.²..
When the membership information is received, commissions are deposited into your bank account. This is not another "get rich quick" scheme. But, if you submit new business everyday, you can get paid every day!
This information is for illustrative purposes only. Detailed information will be provided in your starter material and classroom training.
Commissions are paid daily as membership sales are made. Daily direct deposit is available upon request.