good conversations,movies, NPR, KCRW music (online), fashion, PHYSICS, ARCHITECTURE, music, naps, dancing, going to the gym, sitting by Lake Michigan late night, counting calories, bike riding, cooking, lectures, artsy fartsy occupations
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JUANA MOLINA, phoenix, Gustavo Cerati, sondre lerche,JAY Z, metric, Juanes, bjork, sade, DIPLOMATS, 50, prince, Lil' Wayne
Blind Date, Elimidate, Cheaters, LOST, all VH1 reality shows, Girlfriends, WTTW
Dracula,OLIVER SACKS, FOUCAULT, J.S. MILL, Heresy in The University, Ways of Seeing, Experiencing Architecture, Savage Love (it's not a book, but it should be made into one)