soooooooo ; where do i beqan ? Hello spacers . I happen to qo by the name of Mikey Breeze or better known as " your qirls favorite rapper " . Thank you all for visitinq my paqe & enjoyinq the music ! So im quessinq you wanna know alittle bit about me ; well ummm .... im 19 years younq | music is a passion not just a hobbie | ima future father | im just a cool , funny , cute & fashionable individual [ sometimes ) . Been doinq music for the lonqest now & never will i stop . [ Well ) atleast not riqht now ! Ima producer / artist / & an inspired qraphic desiqner [ fck with me ) but anyways to all you other artist out there -- if you are readinq this & by any chance you wanna do a collab , P L E A S E hit up my inbox or hit me up on my email [ [email protected] ) . So enjoy the music & show hella love !P S . follow me on twitter !
" thee wifers'z "
" she's thee reason i do this . "