A Surface Soiled profile picture

A Surface Soiled

About Me

A SURFACE SOILED is a project started by ex front man of abcent myndid jared griggs. the band currently consists of these members. KELLER B/ Drums- JOHN SKULLS/ lead vox- JARED GRIGGS/ guitar/vox and JAMES DEAN/ Bass. A SURFACE SOILED is currenly recording a demo at soiled records. we will be looking to tour UTAH, MONTANA, and IDAHO this summer with hopes to expand to oregan, washington and wyoming. check us out if you see our name around. griggs and keller B-- are also in a studio project named BRIAR ROSE, as well as MITOSIS,[ briar rose also features james dean on guitar] please feel free to check out all three projects.A SURFACE SOILED and MITOSIS are lookin to play shows any time anywhere. so if you would like them to play for you feel free to write and SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL MUSIC SCENE MOTHA FUCKA!!!!!!! griggs plays on a BEHRINGER V-TONE AMP W/ A MARSHALL CABINET/ he uses IBANEZ, DEAN and FENDER GUITARS W/ ERNIE BALL STRINGS. james dean uses a PEAVY MARK IV SERIES AMP W/ A PEAVY CABINET. he plays on FENDER and DEAN BASS GUITARS W/ ERNIE BALL STRINGS. keller B uses a GIBRALTAR DRUM RACK W/ PEARL DRUMS he uses every stick he can find!!!!!! john sings through PEAVY SP2 SPEAKERS and you enjoy it.p.s. Peace love the heavenly flower.{}
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My Interests


Member Since: 15/06/2008
Band Members: A SURFACE SOILED IS,keller b/ drums jared-jags- griggs/ guitar/ vox james dean/ bass john skulls/ vocals
Influences: pantera, norma jean, lamb of god, as i lay dying, slip knot, korn and slayer. bob marley, nirvana, alice and chains, primus and most any grunge, old school heavy metal, metallica, mega death, iron madien, ect. ect. most any sixty's and seventys-metal/rock. classic country marty robbin, johnny cash. buddy holly is a pimp as dude and lead belly killed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds Like: A Surface Soiled
Record Label: unsigned

My Blog


lets see every body out there. make this show fuckin huge!!!!
Posted by on Fri, 17 Jul 2009 08:50:00 GMT

playing with drop dead gourges/ july 29th @ the icon/ hit me up for tix info

sssssssssssswwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttttttttttt tttttt
Posted by on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 08:52:00 GMT

a surface soiled lookin to book shows anytime anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by on Sun, 21 Jun 2009 14:28:00 GMT

MITOSIS is a side project featuring the drummer and guitarist of a surface soiled

thats all that needs to be said!!!!!!!
Posted by on Fri, 19 Jun 2009 08:36:00 GMT

briar rose is a thrash core/ studio project featuring several local musicians.

new thrash core shit comin in a new wave of 16th and 32nd beets galore. the stoic areilies bringin tha beets. jags rolling the rythmes. ben bringin the ba ba bass and keller singin tha shit, james dea...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jun 2009 08:33:00 GMT